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International Day of Yoga in Auroville 2015

Auroville participated in the celebration of the first International Day of Yoga, on Sunday, 21st June 2015, with the following program:
Place: Savitri Bhavan
5.30am – 7.45am: Surya
Namaskar guided by Monica
7.45am - 8.15am: Asanas led by Monica
8.15am - 9.15am: Integral Yoga
Concentration led by Ashesh
There was also a small exhibition on
the importance of physical education in the words of Sri Aurobindo and the
Mother and further activities in some Auroville schools.
In the late afternoon, in the Peace hall of the Unity pavilion, there was a sharing of selected passages by Sri Aurobindo's writings on Yoga.
This is first time that the world was celebrating the International Day of Yoga at the behest of India.
It was particularly important for Auroville, since Sri Aurobindo had written:
“The dawn would soon be complete and the sun rise over the horizon. The sun of India’s destiny would rise and fill all India with its light and overflow India and overflow Asia and overflow the world.” (Sri Aurobindo CWSA Vol.08, p.17)
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