Auroville Farms
Today Auroville has over two dozen farms, which vary greatly in size and character. Those primarily engaged in growing Auroville’s food are united under the Auroville Farm Group, each working with some combination of orchards, crop fields, vegetable gardens and/or dairy.

Auroville as a community, aspires to establish a sustainable, financially-viable model of organic farming -
Auroville wants to establish a healthy relationship between food and community in order to thrive -
Towards Food Self-sufficiency
Catering to diverse food requirements while promoting local foods, Auroville strives to be self-sufficient
Auroville Farms
There are around 20 farms in Auroville and each is unique in its vision, objectives, and produce. With respect to the output of the farm, some focus on vegetables, while others on fruits, grains, dairy and processed food. All farms function with the primary objective of meeting the food needs of the Aurovilian community in a healthy organic manner and operate by that resolve.
Annapurna FarmThe Grain Basket of Auroville
AuroOrchardAuroville’s Oldest Farm
Aurogreen FarmNestled in the Greenbelt of Auroville
Buddha GardenA Space For Sustainable Organic Farming
Kottakarai FarmRenewing Connection with Traditional Organic Farming
TerrasoulIntegrating Farming with Culture
Sustenance FarmUpholding the Tradition of Sustainable Organic Farming
Manvasam FarmPremium Quality Food for Auroville
Pazhamudir CholaiOrganic Fruits of Labour at Auroville
Solitude Farm and CafeComing Back to Where Food Grows
Boomadevi FarmHealthy Organic Produce for Auroville
Ayarpadi FarmCommitted Farming for Auroville’s Needs
Brihaspati FarmHardwork and Dedication to Farming Tradition of Auroville Bio-region
Siddhartha FarmA Farm for Auroville’s Needs
Kalpavruksha FarmFarming Against All Odds
See Also