Last updated: 3 Sep, 2022

The Gunas - The Three Modes of Nature

by Emanuele Scanziani & Yvelise Vaugeois

One of the many exquisite working models towards self-knowledge and self-mastery provided by the Hindu world-vision is a psychological framework through which one learns to distinguish the various features, “modes” or trends that are governing one’s nature and one’s universe. These features, or qualities of all natural life, are called Gunas and they are three in number, Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas. This booklet is based on Sri Aurobindo’s “The Synthesis of Yoga”, and the events and little stories depicted take place in Auroville and the surrounding villages.  
Published by: SAIIER &  Papui and SomethingElse, 2007 
Format: Softcover
Dimensions: 17 x 21cm
Language: English
Pages: 60