Last updated: 29 Aug, 2024

Future School: the architect's overview

Designed by Piero & Gloria

With Transition School already functional, a group of teachers envisioned a more ambitious project; ‘a high school’ program for children aged between 16 to 18 yrs.  And so, Future School was inaugurated  in 2003, with only a limited number of classrooms, but specifically for subjects like chemistry, physics, biology, and computers.  In 2005, a second building was constructed, to include both classrooms and spaces for seminars.  2013 saw yet another building on the Future School campus that included more classrooms and a huge library.

The basic structure of Phase 1 is RCC, but most of the slabs were made like they were in Transition School.  They used small pre cast beams and fill - ins with insulating materials.  The connecting slab is only 5 cm thick.  The more recent buildings are in RCC only.

The concept behind the project was to create a friendly space, that would ­stimulate learning and discovery.  We felt that the aesthetic quality, and care for details in the design of the buildings, in some ways, is a reflection and complement of the “cultural formation” given by the school. 

(text and photos by Piero and Gloria)