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Between Seasons

by Lloyd Hoffman
Between Seasons is the title of Lloyd Hofman's new collection of poems. By turns whimsical, lyrical, melancholic, amused and quietly passionate, these are intimate poems which draw the reader quietly into Lloyd's world.
He is a close and sensitive observer of nature, but there are also poems of love lost and love regained. Above all, these are the poems of a man who has cut the cables of the past and is shaping a new self out of solitude and the simple contacts of daily life:
life seasons by / as bird song dips
the forest without / into the soul / unstudied, bare.
The force of this poetry lies in its simplicity and integrity. Overall, I felt privileged to have been allowed a glimpse of a sensitive being in the act of exploring itself, as well as learning when to let go:
Sometimes I go beyond / the fringes of my thoughts
and artificial space / at ease in not knowing,
not seeing myself and / at one with the outcome.
- From Auroville Today, by Alan
Published by: Auroville Arts, 2008
Format: Softcover
Language: English
Pages: 113
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