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Another Journey

by Meenakshi
This is a bi-lingual edition of poems in English and Tamil. Adapted by Marti and professor M.L. Thangappa, it has illustrations by the Auroville artist, Vahula.
Meenakshi's poems never stray far from her house and her garden, but somehow show how vast a small garden can be. Nor is the garden devoid of people. The combination of poems on both nature and people give onto a very nice insight in the Tamil culture. The illustrations of Vahula are simple but clarifying for those who do not live in Auroville.
Published by: Shanta Books, 1998
Format: Softcover
Language: English & Tamil
Pages: 68
The Singing, the Loving, and the Growing
Poems from Auroville
50 Poems from Auroville
Mozhi Valampera
Alchemies of the Night
We Are One Body
Auroville Adventure
Dust and Dreams
Japan Haiku
But for the Breeze
Ark II - Poems 1994-1998 & Grand Cru in Plastic Cups
Quest for the Divine
Devotion: An Anthology of Spiritual Poems
Between Seasons
Light Matter
Wings of the Sea
Transcendent Sky: A Spiritual Journey of Poetry
The Road Behind Whitens in the Sun
A Sample of Poems from the Tamil Classics
Selected Poems 1989-1993 & Trek
Collected Poems 1968-1977
Stars in the Soup and other poems
Mobile Hour