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Kailash Youth Residency

Kailash is a residency program for youth from the age of 16 to 21. There are 14 rooms for Aurovilian and non-Aurovilian boys and girls, who must fulfill the criteria that they are involved in an educational process – meaning in school, in an apprenticeship, or at work.
Kailash offers a place to live for those
who want to experience a collective life, but it also answers a fundamental
need of all young Aurovilians who, for material, personal, or relationship
reasons, want to leave their family home. It is in a secure environment which,
thanks to peers and the help of some adults, enables each participant to build
a positive image of him/herself, while leading a way of life consistent with
their deeper personality and true aspirations.
There are 2 adults supervising the project. They act as mediators in the collective life within the group, with the school, the work place or family, according to the needs, and also act as individual counsellors when required.