The fraternity of collaboration
Internal Organisation
Auroville is envisioned as a living laboratory for human unity, guided by the principles of Integral Yoga. It emphasises self-governance, collective collaboration, and individual growth aligned with the divine will. By its very nature, it is a work in progress, a lab where many models are continuously experimented with, discarded, and new ones brought in. It is not a fixed organisational model that has stood the test of time. What has stood the test of time is the sincerity and commitment of Aurovilians to experiment and strive regardless of all the challenges. That is the defining factor.

Auroville aspires for human unity -
Oneness in the midst of a million differences -
Freedom of the individual is an essential condition for collective evolution
The Internal Organisation of Auroville
Decision making by the Residents’ Assembly
Organisational HistoryAn Overview
Internal structure, visible and invisibleNon-Hierarchical Team Work
Auroville Council (AVC)
Collective Harmony -
How does Auroville work?
Green Group
Housing ServiceBuilding Community, Building Homes
Auroville Entry ServiceGateway to Joining Auroville
Auroville International (AVI)A Global Network To Support Auroville
Forest GroupTaking Care of Auroville's Forests
Organisational History and Involvement of Government of IndiaUpholding the Vision and Integrity of Auroville
Frequently Asked Questions on Organization and Credentials
How does Auroville work?
Internal structure, visible and invisibleNon-Hierarchical Team Work
Abundance / PCGThe Auroville Project Coordination Group
Auroville Farm Group (AVFG)
See Also