Last updated: 29 Aug, 2024

Auroville Bio-regional Development Activities

Auroville Bio-regional Development Activities is a sample of Auroville projects and services that are involved in rural development for the immediate villages surrounding Auroville and further afield in Tamil Nadu and India. These initiatives are spread in the fields of environment, education, health, social enterprise, financial inclusion, infrastructure, capacity building, leadership, and cultural preservation. For 50 years Auroville and the villages in the bioregion have grown and developed together. What we call “outreach work” in Auroville is actually an organic sprouting of autonomous projects that have been initiated by inspired individuals who have seen a need and acted on it. Some of these projects concentrate on a specific activity e.g. dental health, while others attempt to work out models for what we refer to as integral rural development. Some concentrate their efforts within the township boundaries of Auroville, while others are pioneering models for living in rural India and the world. It is our aspiration that co-creating and learning from within and without in the spirit of experimentation will result in the emergence of equitable and sustainable earth where justice and compassion prevail. There are 13 villages in the immediate area of Auroville, comprising about 40,000 people, and altogether approximately 40 villages in the larger bio-regional area. 

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