Prosperity for All
Universal Basic Services & Income for All
How do you enable all the members of a society to be free to organise their lives according to their inner capacities and not according to their financial means? How do you create a society where money is not the sovereign lord and where work is not a means to earn money but a way to express oneself and develop one’s capacities and possibilities? In its socio-economic sphere of research and development, this is the challenge Auroville is working on.

Universal Basic Services
Create a self-supporting, sustainable township of 50,000 without internal money circulation -
Universal Basic Income
Generate and create wealth without attachment or asceticism, and use it for nobler, divine purposes -
Collective Ownership of All Assets
No private ownership. Aurovilians are stewards of different resources.
The Prosperity System
The founder of Auroville, the Mother, envisioned a system called Prosperity to take care of the material needs of the people of Auroville. It is a system to universally provide the minimum needs of the people so that everyone can focus on offering their best for the welfare of the whole community without having to struggle for their survival needs.
Pour Tous Distribution CenterBasic Necessities Supplied In-Kind
The Free StoreA Place of Free Exchange and Fraternity
Food LinkLinking Auroville Farms and the Community
Nandini Distribution & TailoringA Cooperative that Works in the Spirit of Sharing
Auroville Electrical Service (AVES)A Unit of Auroville Service Trust, Auroville Foundation
Auroville Water ServiceProviding Safe Water for Auroville
Auroville Road ServiceTaking Care of Auroville's Roads
Aurinoco SystemsAuroville Community Internet Service
Auroville Health FundCollectively Taking Care of Each Other
Financial ServiceManaging Internal Transactions Digitally
See Also