Auroville Health Fund

Based on the goals of an ideal futuristic society envisioned by The Mother, where individual worth is more important, Auroville Health Fund being one of the bedrock services of Auroville, offers an in-house cooperative insurance scheme system for the collective health care of Aurovilians and helps them to manage the cost of their medical needs.
The objective is that through the Auroville Health Fund Scheme, the community carries the medical costs of all Aurovilians and Newcomers who are part of the Health Fund Scheme. The Health Fund is located in the main office of the Auroville Health Centre.
Auroville Health Fund was set up in 2002 as an internal cooperative fund to cover the increasing cost of medical care in resonance with the ideas of Auroville where collective good is preferred to conventional economic systems. Moreover, the Health fund serves as an example of an integral economic system that works at Auroville. The Health Fund covers a wider range of health costs.
A Health Fund Advisory Group set up by the Budget Coordination Committee is looking into ways to keep the fund healthy and to advise on the extent of its coverage.
The fund intends to avoid unexpected financial crises during untenable situations stemming from health problems. Holding a holistic attitude towards health and healing the health fund implies that all income would be used to cover medical expenses.

In order to claim the refund:
- One has to be registered as a member of the Health fund which implies that he/she has fulfilled the prerequisite condition of a complete medical check-up.
- The members joining Auroville above 55 years and who are encouraged to register as a member of the Health Fund need to have additional external coverage of 5 Lakh which they need to renew every year.
- The members need to contribute regularly on monthly basis to be covered.
- The bills are dropped in the Collection Box placed at Sante or the Health Center. In case of doubt, it is encouraged that the members send an email asking for clarification.
- All medical bills and a prescription for said tests and treatments forwarded through an Auroville recognized healthcare practitioner (Usually a doctor from Sante or Health Center) must be submitted. The request once processed results in the refund of the expenses as per the Health fund policy directly to the members’ Auroville account
- The data with the newly registered members are shared every month with Health Fund, Sante and the Health Center by the Auroville Financial service.
- The monthly contribution of the members is managed by the Auroville Financial Service.
- Surplus to be carried over next year. In the opposite case, the deficit is to be shared among all participants.
Auroville is a self-supporting township. One’s participation and contribution to all schemes are encouraged for collective welfare.
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