Food Link

FoodLink is Auroville’s central collection and distribution point for Auroville’s farm produce, and thus a vital link between farms and the community. From here, the fresh organic food is supplied to Auroville’s collective kitchens, restaurants, schools, food processors, and the Pour Tous outlets, PTPS & PTDC. Occasional surplus is sold to customers outside Auroville. Foodlink is located at the service entrance of the Pour Tous Distribution Centre / Solar Kitchen.
Since Auroville is not self-sufficient in most food categories, FoodLink invites organic farmers in the bioregion to supply to Auroville, in the vision of creating a mutually supportive network in the service of healthy food and a healthy environment.
FoodLink Market is a small retail outlet located on FoodLink’s premises, where Aurovilians and guests can buy Auroville’s fresh farm produce, as well as some basic processed foods such as jams and pickles made in Auroville.
Cash is not accepted. Payment only through an Auroville account or Aurocard.