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‘Participatory Working Groups’ and the new selection process for Working Committee, Auroville Council and FAMC

Amended version, 6, October 2014, by the Study
Group, Auroville Council and Residents Assembly Service
Auroville is a society based on universal values governing itself with
an evolving level of integrity based on “living these values”. For this
proposal, the 12 qualities / powers, as represented in the Mothers Symbol and
in the Meditation Petals of the Matrimandir, are chosen basic values, on which
we all can agree.
Sincerity, Humility, Gratitude, Perseverance, Aspiration, Receptivity,
Progress, Courage, Goodness, Generosity, Equality, Peace.
The first eight concern the attitude towards the Divine, and the last
four towards humanity. ” The Mother
“In essence ... the 12 powers are the vibrations
that are necessary for the complete manifestation. It is the symbol of
manifestation, double perfection, in essence and in manifestation, in the
creation.” Sri Aurobindo
The “Participatory Working Groups” proposal aims towards creating an
organization where these values are the building blocks. An organization which
fosters transparency, communication and participation, while being efficient
and humane, aligning its actions with the ideals as presented in The Auroville
Charter, A Dream, The True Aurovilian and other writings by the Mother and Sri
A) Description of the “Participatory Working Groups” team structure;
Distributing the workload wisely - the 4 ways of participating to support the
efficient and transparent functioning the working group
Selected Working Group Members/Coordinators
The Mandated Members of the working group are here termed as
Members/Coordinators, in accordance with the functions named in the “Participatory
Working Groups” proposal.
The Members/Coordinators of the working groups are
selected by the community through a three day selection process.
- The Number of Members /Coordinators selected are as stipulated for the
respective working groups: Working Committee maximum 7 persons and Auroville
Council maximum 9 persons.
Pool of Voluntary Support Persons
To support the functioning and efficiency of the working group as well
as fostering transparency, in resonance with the proposal for “Participatory
Working Groups”, pools of Facilitators, Resource Persons and Silent Listeners
are created, drawing on the community at large.
- Facilitators – Offer/volunteer
their skills to help facilitate subgroups created to deal with specific topics.
Resource Persons –Offer/volunteer their
expertise and experience as subgroup members, on specific topics as needed.
Silent Listeners/ Observers –
Offer/volunteer to silently observe the ongoing process of the working group.
The group dynamic:
Aurovilians can offer their skills as Facilitators,
Resource Persons or Silent Observers to the working groups at any time either
voluntarily or at the request/ invitation of the working groups.
The individual roles can evolve and change
B) Details of the roles and functioning of the working group
The Mandated Members of the working group are here termed as
Members/Coordinators, in accordance with the functions named in the
“Participatory Working Groups” proposal.
1. The Members/Coordinators
must be Residents of Auroville
are selected for their expertise, experience, Integrity and commitment
to Auroville. The Coordinators are the official Members of the working group.
Motto: “I offer to serve the work in an impartial way by coordinating
the team, keeping in mind inclusivity, competency, efficiency and generosity. I
cooperate and contribute to enable the best outcome for the task in alignment
with the ideals of Auroville”
1.1. Commitments
- A Member/Coordinator commits to a minimum of 5 hours per day and as
needed (full time).
- A Member/Coordinator cannot be simultaneously a member or a permanent
representative in other mandated working groups
- The Members/Coordinators are responsible for the implementation
and fulfillment of the tasks presented in the working group mandate
- In case of unavailability or absence for more than 2-3 weeks, a
Member/Coordinator has to find an Interim Substitute to cover for him/her in
consultation with the rest of the Members/Coordinators of the working group.
The Substitute person will take up the work but will not be an official member
with /decision making/passing function.
1.2. Skills
- Analysis, Strategy, Action Planning and communication
1.3. Functioning
- The Members/Coordinators meet to prepare and prioritize long, medium and short term tasks. They respond to urgent matters and emergencies. They ensure that no issues are left unattended.
- The tasks are distributed between the Members/Coordinators. Each task having one responsible Member/Coordinator. Each Member/Coordinator will form a task force team, if required, with an adequate number of Facilitators and Resource Persons (there might be multiple Facilitators if a task is divisible, but each task or part of a task has only one Facilitator responsible for its completion).
- Members/Coordinators call on one or several Facilitators and delegate to
them a specific task and set a certain time frame for completion.
- They ensure effective monitoring of work progress by tracking closures
of tasks and issues at hand.
- For the Working Committee a number of the Members/Coordinators must have
experience in dealing with Officials of the Indian Government on all levels,
Central as well as Regional and Local Government and Administration.
1.4. Communication responsibility
One Member/Coordinator is fully in charge of communication. S/He is
responsible to establish communication tools, such as:
- Create On-line Forum for the working group
- To assure that the internal communication flow between Facilitators,
Resource Persons and Silent Listeners/Observers is functioning well. A
team membership list along with roles is defined and published.
- Define the access to mailing lists and assured that the agreed-on
ethical code of conduct is followed in all group email/doc exchanges.
- Draft Monthly Work reports to be approved by the other
Members/Coordinators. These are published through the AV Net, News &Notes
and via Mass Mail in very urgent cases.
- Prepare monthly Interactive Information Meetings with the Community, in
collaboration with RAS.
1.5. Term, Mandate and Turnover
- Members/Coordinators are selected for a period of 3 years.
- After completing 3 years, there has to be a time lapse of 1 year before
a Member/Coordinator can again nominate themselves/ be nominated, for
membership in the same working group.
- There will be a yearly selection process in October/November when 2-3 of
the Members/Coordinators of a working group will be replaced. This will ensure
continuity in the working groups, with a system of staggered turnover.
- Every year in September at the latest the working group recommends to
the RA through News&Notes and Auronet which Members/Coordinators will be
replaced and which skills are needed from the new Members/ Coordinators. (To
implement this, in the first batch 2-3 Members/Coordinators will resign
after 2 years, this can happen naturally by Members/Coordinators choosing to
resign or by the decision of the group)
1.6. Resignation of Coordinators/Signatories from the working group
When a Member/Coordinator wants to resign during the term, s/he is
requested to stay on until October/November and to make a proper handover of
all his/her tasks. If this is not possible, the working group can ask a
suitable individual from within the Community to join to fill the role as a
Member/Coordinator without having a decision making function.
This can be a Resident of Auroville:
- who is already filling a support function, or
- a person with needed expertise, or
- a former member of the same working group.
S/he will be replaced in the selection process at the yearly turnover
and/or can participate in the October/November selection process.
1.7. Removal of Members/Coordinators during term
- Membership in a working group implies effective participation.
Members/Coordinators, who are not executing their job assigned by the group as
per the mandate, may be asked by the working group or by the Residents Assembly
to shift their role. In either case it would be presented at the monthly
meeting and dealt with in collaboration with the Residents Assembly.
The roles and functioning of the Support Persons:
2. The Facilitator
A Facilitator
- must be a Resident of Auroville
- offer their service to the working group, having the needed capacity and
experience to facilitate a specific task.
- Additionally,
- There will be a pool of Facilitators created. Facilitators may be topic
bound with specific expertise and capacities.
- When needed, the working group can also call on other Resource Persons
for facilitation from outside the pool.
Motto: “I offer my capacity to lead and bring people together, to
facilitate a given task for the team. I cooperate and contribute what it takes
for the best outcome of the task in alignment with the ideals of Auroville”.
2.1. Commitment
- Time commitment as needed to fulfill the facilitation of an undertaken
- In collaboration with the Member/Coordinator, the Facilitator
chooses Resource Persons according to expertise, knowledge and experience
relevant to the task. S/he creates a team that takes responsibility to complete
the assigned task in a timely manner, taking all views and concerns into
- S/he keeps the Member/Coordinator informed of the status, outcome or any
problem. All team members of a subgroup have access to emails on their task.
3.2. How to join
- A Facilitator can offer their service at the yearly selection process in
October/ November or anytime during the term. All new listed Facilitators are
announced to the Community in the monthly report.
2.3 Skills
- Team Spirit, Striving for Omni-partiality, Collaboration and Goal
3. The Resource person
A Resource Person
- must be a Resident of Auroville.
- offers his/her service to be called upon by the Facilitators, as having
the needed capacity and experience to contribute to a specific task.
- Additionally,
- There will be a pool of Resource Persons created.
- When needed the working group can also call on other Resource Person
from outside the pool.
- Members/Coordinators may enlist a non-resident Consultant (non
Aurovilian) for help based on pertinent skills and experience for a specific
task. These Consultants will not have access to any other material except the
task in hand.
Motto: “I offer my expertise and experience to complete a given task
for the team. I cooperate and contribute towards the best outcome of the task
in alignment with the ideals of Auroville”
3.1. Commitments
- The time commitment of a Resource Person is need-based and thus allows
flexibility to help the team according to her/his availability.
- Resource persons are needed for all relevant fields of expertise and
experience, including human relations and community experience.
- There is a high priority to create a pool of Resource Persons with
experience of interaction with the Central, Regional and Local Government.
- A Resource Person can offer their expertise experience and integrity to
be permanent representatives of the working group, in one or more of
Auroville’s other mandated working groups. The Resource Person taking up such
tasks must be a Resident of Auroville and have the necessary expertise,
experience and integrity. There must be a commitment to
a. - give timely and regular written and verbal reports of meetings.
b. - interact on behalf of the represented working groups and
c. - participate in decisions only in accordance with the views and
decision of the represented working group they represent
3.2. How to join
A Resource Person can join at the yearly selection process in
October/November or anytime during the term, all new listed Resource Persons
are announced to the Community in the monthly report.
3.3. Skills
- Expertise, Experience, Wisdom and Values
4. The Silent Listener/Observer
A Silent Listener/Observer
- must be a Resident of Auroville,
- offer her/his service as a silent observer of the working group.
Motto: “I offer myself as a Silent Listener/Observer to witness the
process of the Working Group, and aspire for the success of the task in
alignment with the ideals of Auroville
4.1. Commitment
- A Silent Listener/Observer is ready to commit to be a silent observer of
the groups’ processes for 3 months. Every three months, all Silent
Listeners/Observers are asked to re-confirm their wish to continue the silent
- The Silent Listener/Observer will follow the working group’s Internet
forum and can attend meetings as a silent observer/ witness of the ongoing work
of the working group.
- This is seen as a supportive presence of the community.
- A Silent Listener/Observer can commit to be a listener to several
working groups.
- Silent Listeners /Observers who have been participating for a stipulated
time may be invited by the Members/Coordinators to give their observations in a
manner to be determined by the working group.
- An additional function of a Silent Listener/Observer is to learn how a
working group goes about its tasks. Young Residents of Auroville can
participate as Silent Listeners/Observers to working groups with which they
have an affinity.
4.2. How to join
- A Silent Listener/Observer can join at the yearly selection process in
October/November or anytime during the term,. All new participating Silent
Listeners /Observers are announced to the Community in the monthly report.
4.3. Skills
- Silent observation, Learning, Goodwill, Restraint
C) Training and Education
- Members/Coordinators commit to an active learning process and training
in needed fields.
- For the Members/Coordinators and Facilitators there will be ongoing
training opportunities offered in facilitation, mediation, Restorative Circles,
through Koodam and others.
- In the working groups Members/Coordinators will individually choose who
will take up which specific training possibilities.
- Other parties may be invited to give relevant leadership, organizational
and conflict resolution workshops.
- Training and Education may be open for all Aurovilians who would like to
prepare themselves for an organization role in the future. If there is limited
seating, first come first serve basis may be used or other repeat workshops
D) Decision-making
Depending on the tasks of a working group, its Members/Coordinators
identify the diverse types of decisions/validations in categories like:
- 1. long term/ strategy tasks
- 2.
routine tasks
- 3.
day to day tasks
- 4.
emergency cases
- 5.
cases which need approval from the Residents Assembly
Arriving at a decision
Members/Coordinators hold the responsibility to together arrive at
agreement and take decisions on behalf of the residents Assembly in any of the
above mentioned tasks, unless:
a) The task involve the forming of a sub group.
b) The task is of such a nature that it has to be referred to the
Residents Assembly.
a) When a Sub Group is formed; it consists of a Member/Coordinator, one
or more Facilitators and the relevant Resource Persons.
b) The
Member/Coordinator, Facilitator/s and Resource Persons will in a timely manner
arrive together at a proposed solution.
c) The outcome is presented to all the Members/ Coordinators, who
generally will abide by the results arrived
at by the specific Sub Group
created for the purpose.
d) In case the result is established to be biased or incomplete, another
Member/Coordinator will be chosen to create a new Sub Group and look into the
task once more.
e) If the second round
of conclusions still does not find agreement among the Members/Coordinators,
the matter will be brought to the Residents’ Assembly.
In case an issue is referred to the Residents Assembly, this is done in
collaboration with the Residents Assembly Service.
- Step 1 – Information sharing on mandate and job description
- Step 2 - Inviting Residents of Auroville to participate through
nomination and self-nomination
- Step 3 – 3 Days Selection Process
- Step 4 - Constitution of the working group/s/Handing the process over to
the AVC
Step 1 - Information sharing on mandate and job description.
- The mandate and/or specific job descriptions/ competencies as well as
eligibility for being a member of the working group to be constituted, is
shared in a General Meeting, via News & Notes and Auronet.
- Relevant documents, together with the proposal for the “Participatory
Working Groups” and the new selection process, will be available on Auronet
and, by request, in hard copy at the Town Hall Reception counter. The intention
is to have the documents available in all major languages where translations
are needed, depending on the need and the availability of translators.
- This information sharing is organized by the Residents’ Assembly Service
Step 2 - Inviting Residents of Auroville to participate in the 3
days selection process
- For a minimum of two weeks after the public announcement of the mandate / job descriptions, any Resident of Auroville with the needed expertise, experience and integrity are invited to be nominated or can nominate themselves to be part of the selection process.
- (If needed, this can be extended by another week, in case not enough candidates with needed qualifications come forward. This will be decided by the Auroville Council and the Residents Assembly Service, if needed in consultation with the Study Group.)
- RAS will collect all nominations and self-nominations; contact all
nominees to see if they are willing to participate in the three day selection
- All those who agree, will have their names published in the News &
Notes, on Auronet and through mass mail if needed.
- Those Residents of Auroville who present themselves for the 3 days
selection process are by default the selectors.
- Participants in the 3 day selection process, who are not selected as
Members/Coordinators, are invited to support the working group/s as
Facilitators, Resource Persons or Silent Observers according to their capacity
and choice.
- Attendance during the full 3 days is conditional.
a) Committee to review feedback (“Feedback Review Committee”)
- The Auroville Council and the Residents Assembly Service will strive to
create an Omni-partial “Feedback Review Committee” consisting of long-term
Residents of Auroville who have shown deep commitment in action to the ideals
of Auroville. This committee will dissolve after the feedback is
- The Auroville Council and the Residents Assembly Service will provide
required facilitation with the support of the Study Group.
- The task of the temporary “Feedback Review Committee” will be to look
through the feedback in depth and decide which feedback received is of such
nature as to be termed non- negotiable, which disqualifies a nominee from
participating in the selection process. For this they will have the guidance of
Law of India, the Code of Conduct and the Eligibility Criteria. All
feedback of a negotiable nature will be dealt with within the selection process
b) Inviting and dealing with feedback
- Feedback must be factual and signed. Those which lack either will be
- Feedback containing strong valid/ factual reservations against any
nominee(s) will be communicated to the concerned nominee(s). In the absence of
valid clarifications to dissolve such reservations/ objections, the concerned
nominee(s) can be considered ineligible.
- Feedback will not be confidential.
- If there is a strong valid concern combined with fear for repercussions,
and the feedback is of concern to the community, a mandated working group can
take up the feedback and in this case there will be confidentiality for the
F) Step 4 – Three Day Selection Process
All nominees are invited to a three day selection workshop. The
RAS and the Study Group coordinate the sessions together with invited facilitators.
Day 1: Finding Unity through our values:
- Guided by the 12 Values embedded in the Mother's ‘Dream’, all
participants will go through a process preparing themselves for this new
approach of working in collaboration.
Day 2: Mandates, Job description, Code of Conduct, Feedback and
- Going through and understanding the mandates of the working groups, job
descriptions, team- and operational structure including confidentiality and
access to information. (In the case of the Working Committee the
Auroville Foundation Act will also be part of the information necessary.)
- Going through the individual feedback of participants and looking at the
Code of Conduct and eligibility criteria guidelines. All feedback will be
dealt with in the open forum with facilitation by Koodam and the Study Group.
The Code of Conduct and Eligibility criteria will be displayed in the room, as
guidelines representing the request and concerns of the community at large.
Day 3: Selection of the Coordinators
- The selection can be made from all the members in the room, keeping all
information in mind and using it wisely, to choose a good and balanced group
with the skills needed, putting aside group-ism and keeping the best for the
community as the aim.
Part 1: Selection of the Members/Coordinators.
- The Members/Coordinators will be selected in a group process facilitated
by the Study Group and Koodam.
- For selection of the Members/Coordinators, there should be a strong
agreement amongst the selection participants. It should not be a matter
of simply filling up places.
Part 2: Meeting together of the group/s
- Is everything in place?' Is there sufficient agreement?
- Are all the needed qualities and skills present in the group?
- Is there anything else the Members/Coordinators need to function as a
- The rest of the participants in the selection process who are not
selected as Members/Coordinators, may opt for themselves roles in which they
may be willing to support the working groups – As Facilitators, Resource
Persons, and Silent Listeners.
Part 3: Concluding the 3 days Selection Process
- Process Evaluation
- Coming together with the aspiration that all can leave the process with
a feeling of peace, acceptance and willingness to support.
Presenting the outcome to the community
- Study group will present the new Working Committee and Auroville Council
members to the community in collaboration with RAS and AVC at a General
- A list of Support Persons, including all new Facilitators, Resource
Persons and Silent Observers will be published.
- In cases of strong disagreement on the outcome of the Selection process,
the Study group will hand over the process to AVC to proceed further.
G) Support and Amendments
- It should be emphasized that this proposal is a new attempt to improve
Auroville’s organization. The Study Group who worked out the proposal will
commit to closely follow and support the implementation of this new
organizational structure at all stages, in collaboration with the concerned
working groups. The support and collaboration for the implementation of this
proposal is on process only, not on issues.
- The Study Group, in its support function during the process development,
can adapt the proposal at any stage, in consultation with the Auroville Council
and the Residents Assembly Service, if any unforeseen flaws turn up.
Amendments have to be approved by the Residents Assembly.
Results of
Residents' Assembly Decision Making Process on 3 day selection process for
Working Committee
Dear Friends,
Please find below the results of the Decision Making Process held
on Monday 27th October 2014 regards the 3 day selection process for the Working
The question asked of the community was:
Participatory Working Group and 3 day selection process for Working
Committee (revised proposal) – YES / NO?
The RAS registered the following responses:
a) 69% of participants (291) chose YES.
b) 31% of participants(133) chose NO.
c) 25 participants abstained (chose neither YES nor NO but submitted the
Community Supports Participatory Working Group and 3 day selection
process for Working Committee
The RAS registers that the community supports the Participatory
Working Group and 3 day selection process for Working Committee (revised proposal).
This process will now be used to select the next Working Committee.
The Auroville Council, the RAS and the Study Group have published
further information on this process elsewhere in this issue of the News &
For more information, please don't hesitate to email the RAS at
Kind regards,
Your RAS Team
How does Auroville work?
Internal structure, visible and invisible
Internal Organisation
Project Coordination Group
The Passage, on decision making in Auroville
Decision making by the Residents’ Assembly
Auroville International (AVI)
AVI International - Newsletters and information
Residents Assembly Service (RAS)
Green Group
Auroville Board of Services (ABS)
Funds and Assets Management Committee (FAMC)
Inside a General Meeting, How does it work