Last updated: 17 Jun, 2024

Emergency Numbers and Services 

Auroville Ambulance

Safety and Security

  • Emergency line (24/7): 9443090107
  • Guards & entrances: 9443090107  

Fire Stations

• Vanur Fire Department: 0413 2677368

• Kalapet: 0413 2655873

• D. Nagar (near JIPMER): 0413 2272913

• Sedarapet: 0413 2678101

Auroville Safety & Security Team (AVSST) 

• Emergency (24/7): +91 9443090107

• Vehicle Access: +91 9488752435

• Office: 0413 2623400

• Website: 




  • Auroville ambulance: 94422-24680
  • Santé Crown Road
  • (413) 2622803 
  • Auroville Health Centre: 2622 018 / 123 / 011

Pondicherry area 

  • General Hospital: 2336050 
  • PIMS hospital : 2656271/72 
  • JIPMER hospital: 2278380 / 2272389 
  • Nallam Clinic: 2338100 
  • Aravind Eyes hospital: 2619100 / 2619104 


  • Apollo hospital: 28293333 / 28290200 
  • Sri Ramachandra hospital: 24768403

Bee stings

A few stings are normally harmless to an adult, but anyone suffering multiple stings from a ‘rock bee’ attack should consult a doctor or homeopath. Best advice in event of an attack is either to escape at speed, or to remain as still as possible, ideally with hands or clothing covering the face. 

Dog bites

In the event of any bite, however superficial, contact a doctor as quickly as possible (latest within 24 hours) in case anti-rabies injections are required. For more details click here.

Scorpion sting

Very painful, but no species deadly to normal/healthy adults exist in the area. A sting to a child may be more serious, depending on age/size, so medical advice should be taken; likewise if an adult starts showing any allergic reaction. Use Lexin if available, or seek homeopathic relief.

Snake bite

In the event of a bite from a known venomous snake, go straight to the General Hospital, Ph. 0413-2336050 in Puducherry or Jipmer Hospital, Ph. 0413-2372381, where anti-snake bite serum is available.

Snake catchers in Auroville

  • Prabhu Rescue Ph. 9786521655
  • Shanti Ph. 9843510305
  • Rajeev Ph. 9443726223

For more details click here.

Women's Safety Task Force

 Ph. 9442357690

Child Protection Service (Suriya)

 Ph. 0413 - 2622602

Download Some_Auroville_essential_services_-_May_2022.pdf

Auroville Ambulance Protocol

(24/7 Auroville Ambulance Telephone: 9442224680)

Service outline: The AV Ambulance Service provides the following scope of service to residents and guests of Auroville:

  1. 24/7 availability of emergency response with an equipped and staffed ambulance vehicle, which arrives at the scene of emergency, within AV city area, in under thirty minutes.

  2. First aid and treatment on site and during transport with an advanced paramedic on board.

  3. Providing information over the phone on what to do in urgent medical situations which don’t require ambulance transport.

When to use the Auroville Ambulance service: Call the Auroville Ambulance if you, or anyone around you, experiences any of the following symptoms. Ask the Ambulance dispatcher if you are unsure.

  1. Unconscious person
  2. Difficulty breathing
  3. Sudden changes in level of consciousness (disoriented, difficulty in speaking)
  4. Heavy bleeding due to accident or trauma, or fall from a height
  5. Strong pain
  6. Major or multiple injury
  7. Chest pain
  8. Seizures
  9. Signs of stroke: Speech difficulty, facial droop, one sided weakness in limbs
  10. Severe allergic reactions, snake bites or other life-threatening conditions

How to use the Auroville Ambulance Service: (24/7 AV Ambulance Telephone : 9442224680)

To avoid delay and to maximize efficiency in responding to emergency calls, we request callers to support the AV Ambulance Service team in the following manner:

  1. When dialling the Auroville Ambulance, speak clearly and provide following details :

- Caller name                                       

 - Location of accident/ emergency site with landmarks 

-  Name of patient                          

 - Sex and approximate age (if known) of patient 

- Is the person conscious?                  

 - Is the person breathing?

 - Describe injury briefly

Provide any further available information as requested by the Ambulance Service. This is essential for the medical staff and persons handling the patient during transportation.

  1. Follow all first aid advice as given over the phone by the Ambulance Service.

  2. The caller should wait till the ambulance arrives. Do not move an injured person.  

  3. Do not load the patient into a taxi where he cannot get medical support needed during transportation. It is strongly recommended to wait a few minutes more if required for the ambulance to arrive rather than carry away the patient in a panic stricken manner.

  4. Organize for someone to accompany the patient and stay with them in hospital if required.  Pack and take along personal items, money, current medication and all relevant medical reports.  

  5. Being calm and supportive towards the patient and the ambulance staff facilitates the best outcome. 

Trip cost:

The price per trip for AV residents is Rs. 1,500, to or from Puducherry and Rs. 10,000 to or from Chennai, the cost of ambulance services is covered by the Health Fund for members.  The price per trip for guests is Rs. 5,000 to or from AV- Pondy and Rs. 15,000 to or from AV-Chennai. The Ambulance Service is available for all persons needing medical transport within the AV territory.  For Aurovilians, Newcomers and Friends of Auroville, the ambulance will respond to calls outside Auroville as well. 

Other Emergency Contact numbers:

Note: For people without Auroville resident status, who may need attention outside of AV, please use the free government ambulance service or the locally available ambulance services listed in the contacts below

Other Ambulance Services

Government Ambulance


PIMS hospital

18004259009 / 0413 – 2655055 (24/7 emergency hotline) 

- From Auroville Ambulance team and Santé: Auroville Institute for Integral Health