Auroville Building Centre (AVBC)

The Auroville Building Centre is the unit under CSR which carries out the activities connected with appropriate building technologies and architecture.
AVBC is a training centre in earth and ferrocement technology for HUDCO's building centre project managers and engineers.
AVBC is a reference centre for the International Ferrocement Information Center (IFIC) at AIT, Bangkok.
AVBC conducts training on behalf of the Council of Architects (COA) on the topic of sustainable technologies, earth and ferrocement technologies.
AVBC is a recognised training centre for Craterre, University of Grenoble, France.
In 1992 AVBC received the Hassan Fathy Award for Architecture for the Poor from the Society for the Revival of Planning and Architectural Heritage, Cairo, Egypt, for the construction of the Auroville Visitors' Centre, where cost-effective earth and ferrocement technologies have been applied in a public building.
AVBC received during 1995 and 1996 the Award of the Best Building Centre through HUDCO (Housing and Urban Development Corporation, New Delhi) from the Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation, Government of India.