Matrimandir Construction Photos
From 1968 to 2008

It all began with a vision the Mother had in January 1970, which was taken up by Roger Anger, the French architect she chose for the project. After this, Roger presented her with various possible designs, and in 1971 the final, approved globe model for the structure was presented to the Mother and to the residents of Auroville, and work could start. The foundation stone was laid on February 21st, 1971, and the practical work of overseeing the engineering requirements for the construction was given to the Aurovilian architect/engineer Piero Cicionesi who led the development up till the completion of the Inner Chamber. The construction of the main building was completed in 2008.
See Also
Matrimandir Layout
Temple of the MotherAt the very centre of Auroville stands the Matrimandir, a magnificent golden sphere whose elegant architectural form symbolises the birth of a new consciousness. The Sanskrit word “Matrimandir’ means “Temple of the Mother” referring to the evolutionary, conscious and intelligent principle of Life which leads the human journey from its present limitations into the next stage of its evolutionary adventure.To visit the Matrimandir Viewing Point and the Inner Chamber, please go to this page.