"Auroville wants to be the first realisation of human unity based on the teaching of Sri Aurobindo, where men of all countries would be at home."
The Mother
City Layout
The task of giving a concrete shape to Sri Aurobindo’s vision was entrusted to the Mother. The creation of a new world, a new humanity, a new society expressing and embodying the new consciousness is the work she has undertaken. By the very nature of things, it is a collective ideal that calls for a collective effort so that it may be realised in the terms of an integral human perfection.
Peace Area at the Centre
City with 4 Zones Around the Peace Area
Greenbelt Around the City
An Overview
- Peace Area
- Centre
- Zones
- 4
- Buffer Zone Around
- Green
- Planned Population
- 50K
- Planned Area Diameter
- 5km
- City Area Diameter
- 2.5km
Learn More about All 3 Areas

Matrimandir and Peace Area
Soul of the City: The Peace area contains the Matrimandir, its 12 gardens, the Banyan Tree, the Amphitheatre and the Urn, the tall trees on the periphery, and the planned lake.

City Area
In accordance with The Mother’s plan, the City Area is composed of four sections surrounding the Matrimandir Peace Area & the City Centre. They are the Residential, Cultural, International, and Industrial zones.

Greenbelt Area
The Green Belt, broadly speaking, is meant for research, innovation and education in agriculture, forestry, environment, alternative health rejuvenation, and waste recycling. It is also meant to provide a protective green buffer for the four urban areas of Auroville.

Town Planning
Through its Master Plan, Auroville wants to break new ground in settlement-planning in such a way as to help other cities, both in India and abroad, which are experiencing high urbanisation trends