Joining as an Aurovilian

"To be convinced of the essential unity of mankind and the will to collaborate in the material realization of that unity.” - The Mother
This annex explains how one can apply to become an Aurovilian.
Depending on the applicant’s past experience of Auroville, there are four ways of applying to join Auroville as an Aurovilian:
1. From Newcomer to Aurovilian,
2. From Child of an Aurovilian to Aurovilian,
3. From Returning Aurovilian to Aurovilian,
4. From Employee to Aurovilian.
How does an applicant aspiring to join Auroville proceed?
It is important to note that an applicant has 2 phases before he/she is confirmed as an Aurovilian. This is a process that may take up to a year and half. It is the time when one integrates within the community and discovers whether one is willing to participate actively in the realisation of the goal of Auroville.
The names and purpose of the two phases are:
• Exploration Phase: a short period to ensure that the applicant has had some experience of Auroville before starting their admission process; (for example, one could have been a frequent visitor during the past year/s, a guest who has resided in Auroville for more than a few weeks at a time, or a volunteer residing in Auroville, who wishes to join Auroville as permanent resident of Auroville).
• Newcomer Phase: to assure that the applicant experiences what it means to be part of Auroville as a committed and actively engaged resident of Auroville.
Described below is a step-by-step process that covers the two phases leading up to joining
Step 1 - Contacting the Entry Service office:
1a. An applicant contacts the Entry Service office where the Entry Secretariat will register him /her to attend a Welcome Talk. The Welcome Talk is a first information talk;
1b. The applicant submits 2 support letters from Aurovilians (registered in the Register of Residents, Auroville Foundation) to the Entry Secretariat.
1c. The Entry Secretariat will register the applicant for an introduction and orientation programme (this programme is called the Yucca Programme). It is advised and required that an applicant attend this programme before the Newcomer process can begin;
1d. The Entry Secretariat will then provide the applicant with an Application Form; the applicant is to fill this form and mention his / her chosen Mentor;
1e. The Entry Secretariat will provide the applicant with a second Mentor after which the applicant and both Mentors will meet each other;
1f. After the above is completed, the Entry Secretariat will invite the applicant for a meeting with the Entry Board and the two Mentors.
Step 2 – Meeting of Applicant, the Mentors and the Entry Board:
2a. The applicant and the two Mentors will then meet with the Entry Board for an interaction; 2b. The applicant will be given a Letter of Recommendation for an Entry Visa for India (for foreign nationals). Foreign nationals will most likely be required to leave India and return to
Auroville with an Entry Visa;
2c. The applicant will be announced as a potential Newcomer in the weekly bulletin called the News and Notes to inform the community and to seek its feedback for a 2-week period.
Step 3 – Informing the community and taking their feedback:
3a. The feedback will be received by the Entry Service. The Entry Board and the 2 Mentors will process this feedback, after which a decision will be made as to whether to confirm the applicant as a Newcomer or not. The Entry Board will keep the applicant informed and involved throughout this process;
3b. The applicant will be announced as a confirmed Newcomer, or in the case that his / her application has been declined, the applicant will be invited and given an explanation.
Step 4 – Newcomer Period begins:
4a. The Entry Secretariat will invite the confirmed Newcomer and provide him / her with the Newcomer Kit. A Newcomer Kit is a file with paperwork to be filled by the confirmed Newcomer;
4b. The applicant is to submit all relevant documents within the mentioned time-frame as described in the Newcomer Kit;
4c. During the Newcomer period (which is a minimum of 12 months and not exceeding 18 months), it is recommended that the Newcomer has regular meetings with his / her Mentors, and attend the Aspiration programme.
4d. If during the Newcomer period the Newcomer, or his / her Mentors and / or the Entry Board agree that the Newcomer is not ready to join Auroville as an Aurovilian, the Newcomer process will either be discontinued, extended or the Newcomer might be recommended for another more appropriate status.
Please note: during the Newcomer period it is essential that one finds
- work and / or service and
- accommodation, both, in Auroville.
In case the Newcomer has to leave Auroville, it is essential to inform the Entry Secretariat, one’s Mentors and the Residents’ Service of the departure. In the case that an applicant or Newcomer needs to leave Auroville (from 1 to 3 months at a time) for personal reasons, the Entry Board together with the Mentors will put the Newcomer process on hold. The duration of time that the Newcomer has been out will then be added to the Newcomer period upon the Newcomer’s return.
In the case that an applicant is absent for more than 3 months, the Entry Board together with the Mentors may decide to either cancel his / her Newcomer process or choose to further extend it.
Step 5 – Newcomer Period comes to an end:
5a. At the end of the Newcomer period, the Entry Secretariat will request the Newcomer to update the information furnished in the Newcomer Kit;
5b. The two Mentors will be required to give their recommendation to the Entry Board; the Entry Secretariat may remind the Mentors of the same,
5c. After the updating of the information by the Newcomer and upon receiving the Mentors’ recommendation, the Entry Secretariat will invite the Newcomer, together with his/her Mentors to meet the Entry Board.
Step 6 - Informing the community and receiving their feedback:
6a. The Newcomer will then be announced as potential Aurovilian in the weekly bulletin, News and Notes, for feedback (over 4 weeks) from the community;
6b. The feedback will be received by the Entry Service. The Entry Board and the 2 Mentors will process this feedback, after which a decision will be made as to whether to confirm the Newcomer as an Aurovilian or not. The Entry Board will keep the applicant informed and involved throughout this process;
6c. The outcome:
• If accepted, the Newcomer will be announced as a confirmed Aurovilian;
• If declined, the Newcomer will be invited to meet the Entry Board where the Newcomer will be informed about the decision and why it was made. The individual will be given an opportunity to respond. The Newcomer may reapply to join as a Newcomer after a period of time stipulated by the Entry Board;
• The Newcomer may also be recommended for another status better suitable for the Newcomer by the Entry Board.
Step 7 – Aurovilian: this ends the Newcomer process for someone applying to join Auroville as an Aurovilian
7a. The Entry Secretariat will invite the confirmed Aurovilian to sign the B-Form, thereby requesting the Secretary, Auroville Foundation, to include his / her name in the Register of Residents;
7b. The Aurovilian will now have the option to sign up for an email id and an ID card.
How do children of Aurovilians wanting to join Auroville proceed?
The child of an Aurovilian, upon reaching the age of eighteen (18) and thereafter, contacts the Entry Service once he / she is ready to join as an Aurovilian. The Entry Secretariat will provide the youth with an Application Form. The youth will be required to fill and submit this form.
1. If the youth has lived in Auroville for a minimum of five (5) years, immediately prior to submitting the Application Form, the Entry Board will decide to announce the applicant as Aurovilian to the community,
1.1.The Entry Board may recommend the youth to attend the Aspiration programme.
2. Subsequently, the young Aurovilian's name will be recommended to the Secretary to be entered in the Register of Residents, and he/she will be called to sign the B-Form, and meet the Secretary, Auroville Foundation,
3. The Aurovilian will now have an option to sign up for an email id and an ID card.
Please note: A child of an Aurovilian, or former Student of Auroville (refer to Annex D), who applies to join as an Aurovilian and who has lived in Auroville for at least five (5) consecutive years at any time prior to the date of leaving Auroville can apply to join as an Aurovilian by following the Returning Aurovilian process (refer to section 3 of Annex B).
A child of an Aurovilian or former Student of Auroville (refer to Annex D), who applies to join as an Aurovilian and who has lived in Auroville for less than five (5) consecutive years at any time prior to the date of leaving Auroville can apply to join as an Aurovilian by following the Newcomer process (refer to section 1 of Annex B).
How do former Aurovilians wanting to re-join Auroville proceed?
1. A former Aurovilian who wishes to come back can apply to rejoin Auroville by contacting the Entry Service where the Entry Secretariat will provide him / her with an Application Form and guide the former Aurovilian through the administrative process as described here. This applies only to those who have stayed outside for a period shorter than the period of stay inside Auroville.
2. Once the Application Form has been completed and submitted to the Entry Secretariat, the returning Aurovilian will be announced as an Aurovilian to the community for feedback. The feedback will be received by the Entry Service and processed by the Entry Board. If there is any relevant feedback, the Entry Board will discuss the same with the Returning Aurovilian.
3. After processing this feedback, should the Entry Board arrive at the conclusion that the individual may rejoin as an Aurovilian, the individual will be announced as a confirmed Aurovilian.
3.1.A Returning Aurovilian who has been confirmed as an Aurovilian will be called to sign the B-Form, and meet the Secretary, Auroville Foundation.
3.2.The Aurovilian will now have an option to sign up for an email id and an ID card.
4. However, after processing feedback, should the Entry Board arrive at the conclusion that the individual can not be re-admitted to Auroville as an Aurovilian at this time, the Entry Secretariat will be directed by the Entry Board to cancel the administrative process, and invite the former Aurovilian to meet the Entry Board where the individual will be informed about the decision, the grounds on which the decision was made, and will be provided with an opportunity to express themselves.
5. Alternatively, the Entry Board may decide that the former Aurovilian is better suited for another status in relationship to Auroville and will recommend the same to the applicant. The Entry Secretariat will then guide the applicant through the relevant administrative process as described in the annexes of this policy.
Please note:
If the former Aurovilian has lived outside Auroville longer than the period of their stay inside Auroville, the former Aurovilian is to follow the Newcomer process as his / her reintegration process (refer to section 1 of Annex B).
How do employees of an Auroville unit / activity, wanting to join Auroville, proceed? For an employee, the following points are applicable:
An employee who wants to join as an Aurovilian will inform the employer and contact the Entry Service where the applicant will be asked by the Entry Secretariat to follow the Newcomer process (refer to section 1 of Annex B). However, the below will apply.
The Entry Secretariat will schedule a meeting with the employer, the employee and the Entry Board to get clarification on:
• The fact that the applicant will be required to provide the finances needed to start the admission process (administration fee, monthly contribution, Health fund, in case of children administration fee and school fees where applicable);
• Financial Settlement with the workplace and its implications regarding gratuity, EPF and ESI;
• Finding a new workplace in case the employer does not wish to retain the applicant.
Please note: Only after such a meeting has been held and a clear agreement has been established between the parties, can the applicant apply for the Newcomer process. After this, the Newcomer process will be followed.
Once confirmed as a Newcomer, the applicant can no longer continue as an employee but may continue to work in the unit as a Newcomer.
The employer will terminate the employment contract and make a full financial settlement with the employee as soon as the employee has been announced as a confirmed Newcomer.
All cancellations of a confirmed Aurovilian status are to be processed as described in the Regulations and are to be forwarded to the group selected by the Residents’ Assembly for this purpose. The Entry Service will not process cancellations of the confirmed Aurovilian status.
See Also