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The Savitri Legend - A Transformational Tale
by Savitra (Alan Sasha Lithman)
After living in Auroville for 21 years, Alan Lithman (Savitra) returned to America in 1990, where he wrote this book. As all of Savitra's books, this is a travelogue that brings us in India. But this time the travel moves into legendary dimensions as it pictures the writer's discovery of Sri Aurobindo's "Savitri" and his realization that this legend runs through all of life, including his own. All of which is narrated in a poetic language leaning to fairytale dimensions.
Published by: Sigo Press, 1999
Format: Softcover
Language: English
Pages: 244
Format: Softcover
Language: English
Pages: 244
Real Utopias
The Thousand-Petalled Daisy
Parallel Journeys
Made in Auroville
The Color of Women, and Other Stories
Hanuman, or the Way of the Wind
The God Enchanter
Infinity Papers
Parvati, or Extreme Love
Shakuntala, or the Ring of Remembrance
Refugees from Paradise
Yatra Sirukadhaigal (Yatra Short Stories)
The Legend of the Descent of the Ganges
Iniyan, Lemurian