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Made in Auroville

by Monique Patenaude;
translated by Laura Joy
In 1968, Lysiane Delambre is eighteen years old. Between the massacres of Vietnam the artificial paradises of the LSD of the hippies, and the Americans' and Russians' race for hegemony in space, she endeavours to make sense of the absurdity of human existence. This quest leads her to India, to a desert of red sand where a handful of men and women have gathered in order to build an international city expressing a living human unity. It is at the edges of this red desert that Made in Auroville, India begins
Monique Patenaude, Aurovilian, was born in Québec in 1949. Tireless carrier pigeon' between Québec-Canada and India since 1974, she signs here her first novel. Laura Joy was born and grew up in Auroville, India. She spent nine years completing her studies and working in Canada and then came back home. Her English translation of Made in Auroville, India has been published in 2008.
Format: Softcover
Language: English
In English:
In French:
Real Utopias
The Thousand-Petalled Daisy
Parallel Journeys
The Savitri Legend - A Transformational Tale
The Color of Women, and Other Stories
Hanuman, or the Way of the Wind
The God Enchanter
Infinity Papers
Parvati, or Extreme Love
Shakuntala, or the Ring of Remembrance
Refugees from Paradise
Yatra Sirukadhaigal (Yatra Short Stories)
The Legend of the Descent of the Ganges
Iniyan, Lemurian