Thamarai Outreach

Thamarai is a co-creative, cross cultural enabling environment of full potential and wellbeing of all, especially children and youth. We offer a series of learning platforms including after school and playgroup, health and wellbeing programmes, digital literacy and stewardship for new emergence leadership programmes.
Executives Name(s): Bridget Horkan, Muthukumari
It is essential for us that we support agency in people, enabling discovery of their innate wisdom as value based agents of change in their communities. Our hearts are deeply touched when we watch this process of inner growth and capacity developing.
Size of team: 2 (Aurovillian) - 9 (non Aurovillian) - 4 (volunteers)
Number of beneficiaries: 250
Date of foundation: 2006

What has been most precious in the past 10 years is in seeing the children in Thamarai pass through third level education and now becoming the adult lead facilitators in our own learning centre. Watching them in action tackling the problems in their communities, questioning the structures and normatives that create or keep these problems in place and developing value based micro projects and awareness campaigns to make a difference is a precious result. Thamarai is the Tamil word for Lotus flower we want all to flower to their full potential.

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