Uplifting nearby villages and building relationships...
Auroville Rural Development Projects
Some of these projects concentrate on a specific activity e.g. dental health, while others attempt to work out models for what we refer to as integral rural development. Some concentrate their efforts within the township boundaries of Auroville, while others are pioneering models for living in rural India and the world. It is our aspiration that co-creating and learning from within and without in the spirit of experimentation will result in the emergence of equitable and sustainable earth where justice and compassion prevail.

Enabling Self-Sustenance
Breaking Gender Stereotypes
Providing Education for the Young
Rural Development Projects & Units
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Auroville Village Action Group(AVAG)
Deepam- Children with Special needs
Holistic Approach to Children with Diverse Abilities -
Mohanam Cultural CentreConnecting Local to Global Through Tamil Heritage
Reach for the StarsScholarship to Nurturing Leaders
Arulvazi Education CentreFor Village Children Aged 3 to 18 years
See Also