Awards for Suhasini Iyer

Green Solutions Award at Glasgow and Other Accolades

2020-21: Green Solutions Award at the COP26 UN Climate Conference.

Suhasini Ayer–Guigan, is a graduate of “The Delhi School of Planning and Architecture”; living in Auroville since 1985, and one of the co-founders of the Auroville Centre for Scientific Research

COP26 UN Climate Conference

Suhasini Ayer received the 2020-21 Green Solutions Award at the COP26 UN Climate Conference, in Glasgow.

In a rare honor, Suhasini Ayer, an architect from Auroville, was presented with the Green Solutions Award during the ongoing COP26 summit, the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, for the Humanscapes Habitat project of creating an affordable and sustainable housing hub in the universal township.

As an experimental project designed for approximately 500 inhabitants, the Humanscapes project also seeks to serve as a launchpad for research into creating future developments that can withstand the impacts of climate change.

For More info: The Hindu Report


Past Achievements and Awards

1992 – Nominated for the Aga Khan Award – Visitors Center, Auroville

1992 – Hassan Fathy Architecture for the Poor award from Egypt – Visitors Center, Auroville

2003 – Design Share Award USA for Educational buildings – Kindergarten, Auroville

2006 – Design Share Award USA for Educational buildings – Gurukul School, Kerala

2015 – Nominated for the ArcVision Prize, Italcementi, Italy – Architecture

2016 – Terra jury award for earth architecture, France. – Auroville Public Library, Auroville

2017-2018 – The Merit List – Centre for Indian Studies, Auroville

2018-2019 – The Merit List – Humanscapes Habitat, Auroville

2019 – 2nd position – 2A Continental Architectural Awards 2019 – Humanscapes Habitat

2020- Winner of 29th JK AYA, Green Architecture Category – Humanscapes Habitat

2020-21 Green Solutions Award at the COP26 UN Climate Conference, Glasgow, UK by Construction21.