Savitri Bhavan located in the International Zone of Auroville offers a wide range of activities focusing on Savitri and Integral yoga.

Meditations on Savitri

A painting exhibition of 472 paintings created by the Mother with Huta from 1961-67 is on display in the picture gallery

A Bilingual Exhibition on ‘Sri Aurobindo: A life-sketch in photographs’

With texts both in English and Tamil is displayed in the upper corridor 

Glimpses of the Mother: Photographs and texts

In the Square Hall


Mondays 4 pm in the Sangam Hall

April 7: Meditations on Savitri, Book 7 – The Book of Yoga, Canto 1-7

 Duration: 74 min

April 14: How the Mother’s Inner Quest brought Her to Sri Aurobindo

Lopa, a former student of the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, has collected stories recounted by the Mother about Herself.  Duration: 51 min.

April 21: Centenary of the Mother’s Return to Sri Aurobindo (24.4.1920 - 2020)

A documentary slideshow by Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education recounting the Mother’s journey in Her words from childhood till Her final arrival in Pondicherry. Duration: 48 min.

Full Moon Gathering

Saturday, April 12th, 7.15-8.15 pm in front of Sri Aurobindo’s statue

Regular Activities

The OM Choir

The OM Choir has been in their sacred home of Savitri Bhavan for twenty-five years and even earlier, when the Mother told Narad to bring down a new music. During the prime months in Auroville often one hundred and more people come in aspiration and devotion to bring down the new music that has the power of transformation. The Divine Presence is in both the square hall and the Sangam Hall. All are welcome and no prior singing experience is needed.

Every Tuesday from 5:30 to 6:30 pm led by Narad

Savitri Satsang

Savitri Satsang, an experiential reading of Sri Aurobindo’smagnum opus, Savitri, shared by Narad in a new series that touches on its mantric beauty, poetic vastness, definitions of word and terms by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and the older Ashram disciples, in a deep line by line study.

Every Tuesday at 4:30 pm followed at 5:30 by the OM Choir led by Narad

Sundays 10.30–12 noon: Savitri Study Circle led by Larry Seidlitz

Mondays 3-4 pm: How to find the soul – Theory & Practice led by Dr.Jai Singh

Tuesdays 3-4 pm: Readings of the words of The Mother on Aims and Ideals of Auroville led by Dr. Jai Singh

Mondays to Saturdays 3-5 pm: L’Agenda de Mère: listening to recordings with Gangalakshmi

Thursdays 4-5 pm: Videos of The English of Savitri led by Shraddhavan

Thursdays 4-5.30 pm: Reading Savitri in Russian with Anatoli

Fridays 3-4 pm: Reflections on ‘Release of Ego’ part 2 of Ch.9 from The Synthesis of Yoga led by Dr. Jai Singh

Saturdays 5-6.30 pm: Satsang, led by Ashesh Joshi

Exhibitions, Main Building, and Office are open Monday to Saturday 9-5

The library and Digital Library are open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm

Everyone is welcome
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