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Pashi Kapur

This is to inform the community that Pashi Kapur passed away in the evening of Friday 20 October at the age of 91, having dedicated his life to his most beloved idea and project of Auroville.
Pashi already lived in Auroville in the early years and was founder director of Auroservice, a resource building project directly sanctioned by the Mother, through which he worked closely with Roger Anger and his team until 1980. While always remaining in close contact in the subsequent years, he actively resumed his activities on site from 1998 onwards and became Aurovilian in 2011. During his later years he was involved in the Prosperity and CIRHU projects.
Pashi’s remains were taken to Farewell and were cremated in the afternoon of Monday October 23rd at the Auroville cremation ground.
His family, friends and well-wishers are in deep appreciation of his exemplary commitment and dedication to Auroville and the Mother's work. We all wish him a peaceful onward journey.
Add your recollections
If you would feel like, you can send us your recollections or photographs, so they can be added to the page in order to commemorate years of dedication to Auroville and its ideals.
This page has been published in order to create a space of remembrance for all of those who lived, struggled and enjoyed in Auroville, making a conscious effort to manifest the Dream of Human Unity that is in the process of emerging.
Contact us through email
Christian Edet
Sri Mahalingam Sangukrishna
Eva Mikulski
Ellen of Arati
Cristof Alward-Pitoëff
Ulf Meuller
Gerard Arnaud
Maurice Monier
Anna Oijevaar
Mali of Utility (Rafael Vázquez Corona)
Deborah Lawlor
Bernd of Hermitage
Jules Arindam
Volkher Eike Riech
Patha of Fraternity
Gowri of Service Farm
Mallika of Kalpana
David Nagel
Sumitra Manou
Jürgen Klein
Hasi Grandcolas
Leo Michael Boseman
Audrey Langworthy Wallace-Taylor
Dr. MS Swaminathan
Klara Brogli
Tara Nayak
Lucas Posada
Mani Jayraman
Giorgio Luciani
Selvam Nadesan