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Organic Roots: Inspiration from the Founders of the Modern Organic Farming Movement

by Priya Vincent
Eating is our strongest link to the earth that sustains us. The choices we make about what we eat are ones that have a powerful impact on the earth. This collection of writing from the founders of the modern organic farming movement explores the why and how of food production. Writing during the first half of the 20th century, these forward looking individuals are as relevant and inspiring today as they were when they were written.
Published by: Self-published, 2006
Format: Softcover / E-book
Language: English
Pages: 168
Format: Softcover / E-book
Language: English
Pages: 168
The Gita of Waste
This Earth of Ours
Wildlife great and small of India's Coromandel
My Pumpkin Roof: How to grow your own urban food garden
Auroville Farms, Forests and Botanical Gardens
Footsteps through the Salad
Edible Weeds and Naturally Growing Plants in Auroville
How My Garden Grew
Moments of Magic
From my little hut in the forest by Yorit Rozin
Hands With the Earth
Snakes of Auroville and Pondicherry
Shikra: The Adventure of Environmental Awareness