New Creation Sports

New Creation Sports is a popular sports education programme within the New Creation Project in Auroville. It is financed both privately and with the aid of SAIIER.
The NC Sports is open to Auroville sports enthusiasts and those from surrounding villages. It hosts various tournaments and sporting events. If you are passionate about sports, New Creation Sports is the place to be in Auroville!
New Creation Sports is an integral part of Aikiyam School. It comprises a sports ground which has been developing for the past 20 years, and now includes a professional basketball court, race track, gymnasium, 2 dance halls, 2 tennis courts, and a swimming pool, all financed privately and with the aid of SAIIER.
Currently, it offers a variety of sports, not only to the students from Aikiyam School but also to all Auroville sportsmen/women as well as sports lovers from the surrounding villages. It hosts a lot of tournaments and has become a favourite place for sports activities.
The New Creation sports ground is home to La Piscine, the Auroville swimming pool, as well as the Auroville Sports Resource Center.
NCS is a sports education sub-unit, where we are always trying to find new ways to impart this knowledge to the children.
We focus on the individual as well as the teamwork for our students, always keeping in mind that sports should be fun.
For individual development, we look at new ways to practice individual skills, such as leg drills, quick feet jumping drills, passing and hitting drills, etc. We try to cover all body sections in more detail so that the children will be more aware of their body's capacities.
For team development, we sometimes mix older and younger students so that the older will learn to look after the younger for instance; or we put an older team playing with a younger team and then revert to same-age playing. This also allows the students to not be so competitive.
A new multi-purpose stadium has been built at New Creation that will allow longer playing times in all seasons and bring together many sports disciplines.
This sports ground is gaining recognition for its vibrant activities and is a popular place for all to play, not only for Aurovilians, but for the bio-region as well.