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Marry (Marretje Kroon)

Marry, also known as Marretje Kroon, was born in the Netherlands and joined Auroville in 2007.
Her main interest was the study of the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and translating.
Many got to know her through her knowledge of the Feldenkreis method. For a number of years she offered good classes and excellent individual treatments in Feldenkreis, a series of physical exercises that enhance body awareness and wellbeing. She intended to stop with the classes and treatments and focus on her yoga, but continued with individual treatments till recently, on request from many grateful Aurovilians who had benefited from her treatments.
Since last February, Marry had suffered from cancer (myeloma). She showed courage and was positive throughout. Her son and his family visited her a month ago, which made her very happy, and they were also very impressed when they discovered Auroville. After their visit, Marry prepared to go “through the tunnel of light” as she put it. She passed away in Kalpana on 16th September, 2024. She was 76 years old. Her skills and gentle presence will be missed.
Our condolences go out to her daughter and her son and family.
Farewell, Marry, rest in peace.
(Written by Annemarie, with input from Tineke, Mauna, Appie and Vani.)
Add your recollections
If you would feel like, you can send us your recollections or photographs, so they can be added to the page in order to commemorate years of dedication to Auroville and its ideals.
This page has been published in order to create a space of remembrance for all of those who lived, struggled and enjoyed in Auroville, making a conscious effort to manifest the Dream of Human Unity that is in the process of emerging.
Contact us through email
Tatiana Tolochkova
Martin Zbinden
Agia Ram Lamba
Yuval (Govert Jan van den Eijk)
Danielle de Diesbach
Bhabani Prosad Lahori
Victor (Victor Plotnikov)
Franca Crocetti
Bindu Mohanty
Maggie Lidchi-Grassi
Sylvia Zimmerman
Subramaniam M.
Eveline Preibsch
Tia Pleiman
Jean-Luc Buro
Shakuntala Patel
John Mandeen (passing)
Kratu (passing)
Josette Tardivel
Aswathanam Chandrasekar
Vaishali Jain
Christel Quévreux
Lorraine Freeman