
Lilaloka, the Place of Play (in Sanskrit), offers a new educational approach centred on Joy, to become our own life’s creator. Through joy, the child blossoms and finds his path, gaining trust in his potentialities. Joy connects us to our inner child, and others and gives meaning to life: it is a crucial value to recover in today’s world. Lilaloka offers various activities, based on play, which allows the child to reveal itself as an individual and amongst others, without competition or judgement. This place is open to all children, schooled or not, having difficulties or not, beyond all categorizations and allowing mix of ages.
Lilaloka is a recreational and resource centre for children based on personal development through play and creativity. It offers both individual and collective interaction without competition and judgment. It ensures the link between schools, families and children, for their well-being.
The individual sessions are done in collaboration with the schools the children attend.
Since the beginning of the 2018-19 school year Lilaloka has hosted an average of 40 children per week. We are open for individual and group activities from 8:30 to 4:30 pm 5 days a week.
Lilaloka welcomes children of all ages, girls and boys, Aurovilians, guests, home-schooled as well as children with specific needs: behavioural, relational and learning difficulties.
Lilaloka offers collective activities such as games in a cooperative spirit, arts and crafts activities, nature and environmental exploratory, storytelling and drama.
Research and Training
Lilaloka's team wishes to share its knowledge and offer training to students and educators from all countries, attracted by the international aspect of Auroville. Indian researchers in the educational field will particularly be welcome.
For the future, other units and activities are planned: a music room, a library, and a hall for collective activities such as Awareness Through the Body, dance, Aikido, singing, yoga, and relaxation.
The team is composed currently of 6 professionals in the field of education. Each one of us has developed his/her speciality.
"Each individual is a special manifestation in the universe; therefore his or her true path has to be unique."
Nature’s Theatre
Nature’s Theatre wants to create a safe and inspiring environment where each individual can make their point and create a space to follow their unique path. With each group, we start from nothing, a blank page, and experience the magic of making the first point on a space. The first point contains an infinite sea of possibilities.
Our journey begins with a story, “1,2,3 and a star We-be”. The stars take us on a journey where we prove that we are all just like a star. We learn to work with the compass, in this case, two sticks and a rope. Each participant uses their body measures for this construction. We make our first point and pull from there a never-ending line, the circle. Within that line, our star is born. We are uniform in our shape but no point is the same and each star has its path to follow. Together we make a constellation. At that point, the facilitator follows the stars and creates the space to let their story evolve.
Our observation is that once we have constructed the shape and played with our compass, the participants get inspired to design and create. With children, this mostly results in creating a world together and playing within it. Creation and play are the foundation of Nature’s Theatre. While we create we build a world, while we play in that world we create the objects needed to manifest that world. Within that project, we imitate the real world and discover where our talents are and how that can benefit the group as a whole.

Shiatsu and reflexo-therapy
Shiatsu and reflexo-therapy are used as a tool to connect with the children and gain their trust through non-verbal communication.
The full session lasts about one hour. We start with a small relaxing massage to align ourselves. The session takes between 5 and 30 minutes depending on the child. The aim is to release the body of the day-to-day tensions. Once this tension is released the child is able to find a connection with the self which opens the way to increase confidence. Becoming more confident the children are open to receiving the tools which can help them to better cope with their emotions. This results in better social skills which leads to a more joyful interaction with other children and adults. This relaxing massage is repeated in all sessions. Then till the end of the session, the children receive full attention to their needs, being through play, games, drawing, learning the alphabet, etc., to regain his self-confidence
Medicinal plants
Medicinal plants (Being one with all) to learn the use of mainly local medicinal plants in a playful way. The activity is based on teamwork. Together we honor Mother Earth, each other, and the world around us, explore and learn how we can support each other.
We do this by exploring the land around us and learning to recognize medical plants that can help our body and mind, to be healthy and comfortable.
We learn how to prepare the remedies, [the children call them magic potions], Simple home remedies for rashes, burns, dehydration, common cold, body coolers, anxiety, nightmares, anger, shyness, make one’s own new potion (it includes, making wood fires for our teas, mixing and squashing with the hand, cutting, pouring, stitching and delegating tasks to each other so all get a turn).
The preparation of our plant creations and their application invites communication, sharing, and teamwork. We share stories of our experiences related to the plant's healing abilities.
This builds trust among the children; we become aware of our inner selves, others, and the world around us. It also helps to develop the senses, experience the different textures, smells, and tastes, and experience the joy of discovering the interrelation of all things.
The main objective is to build confidence, respect, and ownership of oneself and one's feelings. To help the child to learn to express and respect themselves and the world they live in. This is done with the help of medicinal plants and how they live in coexistence with other living things so also with us.

Other Activities include creative radio, a music room, Balamata - playgroup for babies and toddlers, a game library, and a hall for collective activities such as Awareness through the body, dance, aïkido, singing, yoga, relaxation, storytelling…
The Play of Painting:
This collective activity (mixed age groups of children and adults) is based on non-judgment, self-discovery, and on free expression through painting (“Arno Stern” concept). It respects the rhythms and specificities of each one, unique amongst others, beyond all competition.
The art of painting aims at the production of a piece of art. The Play of Painting gives birth to the formulation: of a code that is original, coherent, and universal.
Specialized library for children:
Adaring turtle-shaped building will host this place of reading and creation of stories and will include a puppet theatre, a room of secrets, storytelling, etc.,
Evolving Games:
Life itself is a game in constant evolution, the rules evolve with and according to the public, on the basis of existing games. We also create new games. Respect, responsibility, autonomy, love, and sharing are the basis of this activity.
Creation and publication of books and games:
Creating beautiful stories, new games for children, and all tools and books for educators are part of Lilaloka’s activities.

Lilaloka’s team wishes to share their knowledge and offer training to students and educators from all countries that are attracted by the international aspect of Auroville. Indian researchers in the educational field will be particularly welcome.
Marianne, Jitta, Anna are professionals in the field of education for many years and work with children of all ages (even with adults), and various nationalities, with and without specific needs. Each one of us has developed her own specialty.
- By your enthusiasm for the project!
- By donations of equipment
- By your financial donations (see details below).
- If you have an Auroville Financial Service account, you can transfer a donation to Unity account 252023 mentioning Lilaloka as the purpose.
- If you live in India or abroad you can send your donation via the Auroville online Donation Gateway:
Please inform us at the time of sending (with a reference e-mail if possible), so that we can acknowledge receipt as soon as possible.
Get in Touch
For group activities, please WhatsApp to
Jitta: +91 9159053161
For individual sessions, please WhatsApp to
- Marianne: +91 9443085038, or
- Jitta: +91 9159053161
Contact us through email
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