Fertile Forest

A Forested Campus of Informal Learning for Children and Adults

Fertile started as a community settlement in 1972. It was one of the first reforestation communities along with Forecomers. 

Acreage: 54 acres | Steward: Johnny

Contact: johnnyidli@gmail.com

About Fertile 

During the first 10 years the main focus was reforestation but this has evolved into an “informal” campus of vocational training, social and educational center that organizes field trips, cultural exchanges, and informal learning for children and adults alike.

The Fertile community hosted and organized the “Water Mela” (Mela means Festival) in November 2021, that held presentations from various experts, many informative panels, demonstrations and action plans. Fertile is also one of the main promoters and organizers of the “Endangered Craft Mela”, where craftsmen/women from the bioregion and Auroville are invited to showcase their particular crafts.