Director General of UNESCO Visits Auroville

Madame Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, graced Auroville with her visit. She visited Matirmandir on 12th January, 2010.
The Conference Room at Town Hall overflowed with Auroville's residents as they listened to Dr Aster Patel's welcoming words followed by Kripa's speech. An Aurovilian by birth and by choice, Kripa elaborated the ideals of Auroville. Madam Bokova spoke in the same vein, stressing the need worldwide for tolerance and respect for one another, to work harmoniously with science, technology, and nature for the benefit of humanity. And for this, she promised to work tirelessly. Her recognition of Auroville's role toward this goal was appreciated by all.

Written by Miriam - courtesy of Auroville Radio: Wednesday, 13 January 2010
A beautiful, sunny afternoon in January... Town Hall... people started to gather for the official visit of the Director-General of UNESCO Mrs. Irina Bokova... "When is she coming, what will she tell us..." were the questions, and the temperature seemed all of a sudden to start to rise...
"She's here!", and the first greetings from Tatiana in Bulgarian brought tears on the edge of Mrs. Bokova's eyes.
Her visions about the most important things are so close to what Auroville stands for, and the fact that she came for a visit, which was the first of the kind from the side of UNESCO, clearly expresses the recognition of Auroville in the world.
And when she finally addressed us all... feelings were so intense, it was one of the moments when you can clearly feel connectedness between all of us, and the world...then you know, that even if it is hard sometimes, Auroville is the place where you have to and want to be...