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Address by His Excellency Dr.K.Rosaiah, Governor of Tamil Nadu

His Excellency Dr.K.Rosaiah, Governor of Tamil Nadu inaugurated the Festival "What is Auroville" in Chennai on (01.03.2015). Dr. M.S. Swaminathan, Former Chairman, Auroville Foundation, Thiru Shrishbhai Patel, Dr.Aster Patel, and Thiru Julian Lines were present.
At the inauguration of “What is Auroville” Festival in Chennai at ITC Grand Chola, Guindy on 1/3/2015 at 04.15 P.M.
It is a pleasure to inaugurate “What is Auroville” Festival in Chennai organized by
Auroville Foundation and Residents of Auroville and address this distinguished
gathering here this evening.
India is a home to many religions.
Ours is a land of Buddha, Mahatma Gandhiji,
great saints, seers and social reformers who had propagated moral and human values
among the people. Humanitarian ideals have taken deep roots in our culture.
Religion of humanity is greater than all religions. It is the Fatherhood of God and the
Brotherhood of Man that has made us swing into action to help our needy brethren.
primary requisite for universal unity is healthy thought and action. Freedom is the life
and breath of every citizen. Development and realization of self is necessary.
Sri Aurobindo in the monthly review ‘Arya’ under the topic “Is India Civilized?” said,
“A true happiness in this world is the right terrestrial aim of man, and true
happiness lies in the finding and maintenance of a natural harmony of
spirit, mind and body. A culture is to be valued to the extent to which it has
discovered the right key of this harmony and organized its expressive motives and
movements. And a civilization must be judged by the manner in which all its principles,
ideas, forms, ways of living work to bring that harmony out, manage its rhythmic play
and secure its continuance or the development of its motives”.
I am happy to learn that Auroville which was founded by Mirra Alfassa- “The
Mother” based on the philosophies of Sri Aurobindo, India’s leading
modern Yogi and Philosopher, way back on 28th February 1968 has
now 2500 residents from 50 Nations.
Right from its establishment it has been striving
to build a spiritual society dedicated to human unity. I congratulate Auroville for
promotion of conscious living, human values and for developing a higher inner self.
efforts put in by Aurovilians to apply ideals of Auroville Charter in their daily life, in policy-development and decisions are laudable.
The Charter thus forms a omnipresent
reference that silently guides the people who choose to live and work for Auroville.
congratulate Auroville for building the marvelous project ‘Matrimandir’. Everyone who
goes to the inner chamber of Matrimandir is touched by its experience and as said by
the mother it is the soul of Auroville.
I congratulate Auroville for fostering material and spiritual researches and for being
an embodiment of human unity.
I am happy to learn that they are engaged in various
cultural, educational, scientific and other pursuits aimed at human unity.
I am pleased to learn that the Festival “What is Auroville” aims at increasing
awareness on Auroville’s multifarious activities and projects. I am sure this festival will
create opportunities for exchange of expertise on subjects like aforestation, organic
agriculture, educational research, holistic health care, small and medium-scale
business, arts and crafts and renewable energy.
I am happy to learn that many events are being held as a part of the festival
across key locations in the city.
It is a matter of pride for Tamil Nadu to have Auroville
on its soil and it welcomes citizens of Auroville who have come from far away corners of
the world to live and serve humanity.
I convey my warm felicitations to all Aurovilians and to the participants .
I conclude with the words of ‘The Mother’
“To be young is to live in the future.
To be young is to be always ready to
give up what we are,
in order to become
what we must be.
To be young is never to accept
the irreparable.”
My greetings to you all.
Jai Hind.