SAIIER Transport Service

Collective Transport for Auroville

This is Auroville’s original collective transport service, operating from the Service Area (opposite the Gas Service near Certitude corner). Serving Mon-Sat approx. 7am-7pm, depending on school needs, etc. 

SAIIER Transport Service

The SAIIER Transport Service was started in 1985-86. It works mainly for the Auroville schools that need students to be picked up and dropped at specified bus stops, for transporting lunch from Solar Kitchen to all the schools, and for all kinds of field trips and excursion tours. The Saiier Transport also undertakes trips for Aurovilians who want to go to Ashram, or have shopping needs in Pondicherry. Occasionally the service provides transportation for people participating in dance programs, music shows, and other Auroville related programs.

Presently Saiier Transport has 9 vehicles: 4 buses, 2 vans, 1 jeep , 1 food van and a Honda Bike Unicorn. This city service unit also has two new buildings, office cum caretaker’s building and a work shop building. In total there are 6 sheds. In the future the Transport Service plans to get more vehicles according to the schools’ growth and population. There are 11 people working in Saiier Transport Service including 5 Aurovilians. The Transport Service has recently extended the compound by 5 metres; the space will be used for future extension plans.

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