
We are a creative educational organisation dedicated to transforming the way we think about waste. Through experimentation, research, and the participation of teachers and students we design and develop educational materials that empower children to think critically and inspire environmentally responsible behaviour to
drive future systemic change.
Our approach is child-centred and we extensively pilot test our educational materials and use feedback to create high-quality and engaging activities. We focus on in-depth research using the latest science and social impact tracking with the aim of creating positive change in children’s behaviour.
Sea Change
Children learn about marine plastic pollution and how to protect our beautiful oceans.

A 5-lesson programme that focuses on marine plastic pollution is designed for children aged 10-13 from low-income schools. They learn about the latest science through experiments, games and creative teaching methods. Children share this powerful new knowledge with others to become agents of change. Sea Change is available in English, Hindi and Tamil and can be easily integrated within existing curricula. It is supported in part by the National Geographic Society and the Government of Tamil Nadu.
Inspires children to reduce the use of unsafe and single-use plastics.

An 8-week educational programme that includes a memory card game, songs and other interactive activities that spark curiosity in children about plastic pollution. It is designed for children aged 6-15 and can be easily integrated within existing curricula. Children become empowered to drive positive changes in the use of plastics at home and in their wider community. The key scientific insights from kNOw PLASTICS have been integrated within the Tamil Nadu State curriculum targeting 1 million students every year. Available to download for free in exchange for social impact feedback.
Empowers children to support SDGs such as responsible consumption and production & sustainable cities and communities

This programme offers 13 standalone activities that cover a range of topics related to waste management. The activities develop knowledge on sustainable consumption, responsible waste management and plastic pollution while promoting communication, reading, critical thinking, and creative skills. It is designed for children aged 6-15 and can be easily integrated within curriculum subjects such as Science, English and Math. Garbology Lite is available in English and Tamil and is free to download in exchange for social impact feedback.
Children learn about the importance of waste separation and are motivated to maximise recycling at home

This 7-lesson educational programme uses a fun card game to encourage children to be part of the circular economy. Specially designed for emerging economies that have an informal waste recycling sector, this programme empowers students to collect, separate and recycle their waste at home. It provides practical knowledge on how to maximise revenue through linking households with the informal waste recycling sector. Pick it Up is designed for children aged 10-13 and can be easily integrated within existing curricula. It is available in English and Tamil.
Calculate the impact of your recycling efforts with this specially designed tool
Have you ever wondered about the environmental impact of solid waste? The amount of natural resources used to make the items you throw away, and the total resources that could be saved through recycling those same items? Or how much money you could make by selling your recyclable waste to scrap dealers? The Waste Calculator is a tool designed to answer these questions. All you need to do is weigh your respective waste categories, such as metal or paper, input the numbers into the calculator and it will analyse them for you. If you would like to use the calculator visit our website.
Our educational programmes support initiatives such as the The Ocean Decade and UN Sustainable Development Goals such as quality education, climate action, life below water, responsible consumption and production, sustainable cities and communities and good health and well-being.
Since 2011, our educational programmes have reached 1.2+ million children aged 6-15 in 20+ countries. Our materials have been implemented in 45,000+ schools and children have spent 3.2 million class hours learning about global issues such as climate change, plastic pollution, toxic plastics and unsustainable consumption. Children share this powerful new knowledge with others to become agents of change.

We are dedicated to bridging the gap between the latest science and how a child sees the world and interacts with it. We are convinced that children-powered educational programmes can pave the path for a WasteLess world.

Join us to help protect our planet by tackling one of humanity’s most dirty problems- waste! Your donation will help us to educate a generation of changemakers so that one day, the only place where waste and plastic pollution exists will be in museums and history books!
Join us in this global movement to build a cleaner and better future, visit our donation page.

Get in Touch
(+91) 94884 83871 or (+91) 413 2960960
* Kindly make an appointment before visiting.
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