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Serena Aurora

I am Serena Aurora, an aspiring independent filmmaker specializing in cinematography, directing and editing. Having worked in the industry for over 10 years, I have gathered experience in several other aspects of filmmaking medium by taking up various roles and positions: from pre-production and scripting, to production filming and post-production editing, making it all the way to distribution and exhibition.
I traveled for many years, guided by an irresistible calling towards sustainability and regenerative communal living. When visiting organic farms, eco villages and intentional communities I made films as gifts – Aurora’s Eye Films – that gave them a voice. Witnessing the impact it had on education and consciousness set me on a mission:
Now the goal is to create documentary films that are creative and unbiased as possible, so people may see the different possibilities out there and share them with others as we come together to help manifest our spaces of belonging.
I have begun realizing this goal at Auroville, an international community in South India, where I live in a community. Aurora’s Eye Films continues as an activity, documenting the growth of the city, building bridges within Auroville, and with the world outside.
Preferring to use first takes and not use any script, my style of filmmaking has evolved around the intention of focusing on the truth. What you see is what you get – quite literally what I see through my eyes – Aurora’s Eye.
For many years I did all the camera shots, the editing and sometimes even the sound design. Now, there is a slowly expanding tribe of enthusiastic individuals each uniquely contributing to documenting the truth.
Our family is eager to sharing our stories with you! Come along, walk beside us, there’s plenty of room.
Love and light,
Aurora’s Eye Films