New Era Secondary School (NESS)

New Era Secondary School (NESS) adopted the new National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) syllabus in 2007 and became affiliated with the CBSE in 2008.

The primary purpose for taking this direction was to raise the level of learning and inculcate the all-round development of the rural students of Auroville & its bio-region. We have fulfilled it by adopting one of the best educational programmes available in the country. A passionate team dedicated to a progressive, innovative and better education has been putting in their best efforts over the years; as a result NESS has attracted more and more children to its campus.
Vision - Our Future
New Era Secondary School (NESS) strives to achieve higher standards of academic excellence through integral education and to bridge the wide diversity of society and culture that exist in the unique international township of Auroville and its surrounding village communities.
New Era Secondary School (NESS) aspires to create, nurture and develop creative and critical thinking skills among its young students for better problem solving and decision making through integral education to respect and preserve the cultural diversity in the region. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) envisions a robust, vibrant and holistic school education that will engender excellence in every sphere of human endeavour. The Board is committed to providing quality education to promote intellectual, social and cultural awareness among its learners. It works towards evolving a learning process and environment, which empowers the future citizens to become global leaders in the emerging knowledge society. The Board advocates Continuous Evaluation with an emphasis on the holistic development of learners. The board commits itself to provide a stress-free learning environment that will develop competent, confident and enterprising citizens who will promote harmony and peace.

An agile body is a reflection of being hale and hearty. At New Era Secondary School, we lay emphasis on the fitness of the students. The school sports programme is conducted in School Sports Complex at Aspiration, Auroville. The aim of our sports is to offer a comprehensive programme for physical development, providing activities that incorporate and develop movement, mobility, control, health, fitness, strength, stamina, challenge and body skills. Emphasis is placed on developing team spirit, fairness in play, the right attitude during competitions and games, and encouraging the weaker children to actively participate. The following fields of sports activities are included - athletics, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, kabaddi, kho-kho, frisbee, cricket and football). NESS also takes pride in having a junior level national basketball team and our students take part in school level tournaments every year. Our children are also actively involved in Auroville Marathon and state-level Frisbee tournaments in and around Tamil Nadu.
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