Last School

A Free Progress Auroville School for Middle and High School Students

Last School relocated in July 2014 to its permanent home in the Cultural zone. Last School is a middle/high school in existence since 1985. Students are in the age group 14 to 18 years and above. Education is based on the method called by the Mother ‘Free Progress’, an approach that requires the school’s structure and programmes to be as diverse and supple as possible, in order to respond to each student’s line of progress.

School Hours

Last School is open 5 days a week from Monday to Friday, during which students are expected to maintain a full timetable until 3.30 pm. They are also expected to follow some physical education activities after class on all school days. In addition to regular students, adults can also attend sessions on Sri Aurobindo's philosophy.

A supple and diverse learning environment
Educational Method

Last School’s educational process wants to develop the student’s faculties of the mind, the powers of the will, the refinement of the aesthetic and emotional being, and build all of this upon a strong and balanced physical being. There is an attempt to address each of these elements of the youth’s psychological nature as consciously as possible in the given circumstances. The teacher’s task is to suggest, not to impose, and a broad process of consultation is fundamental to the school’s approach. The participation of the youth in their own growth and development is encouraged as much as possible while preparing the school programme and timetable.

The activities are worked out for students individually with the choice of subjects and teachers. If the student has a wish to learn something specific or to be involved in the larger activities of Auroville, that can be arranged. Meanwhile, the students are encouraged by teachers to achieve the goals that they have set for themselves at the beginning of the term. The older and more self-governing the child, the more individualized and particular his or her time schedule. The Last School collectivity is a highly complex network of personalized time tables for students and teachers.

The students, therefore, need to be self-motivated, so that they may be involved in the decision-making process and changes that affect the school. In class, the feedback of the students is respected, and they are helped to build their own view of the world. Many classes use the ideas of Mother and Sri Aurobindo, according to the level of interest.

A space for individual growth and self governance
The School Curriculum

The programme available covers languages (the 4 mentioned by Mother for Auroville, plus a number of others); literature and poetry; the pure sciences (physics, chemistry) the life sciences such as biology; mathematics; the social sciences (history, geography, economics); philosophy and culture studies; computer programming and systems administration; 3D design; film editing; and the Arts – on which there is a special emphasis. Subjects, including the discovery of Sri Aurobindo’s and Mother’s works are ‘offered’ separately, but in the reality of classroom life, they are often combined.

Get in Touch

(+91) 413-2622195

Mon-Fri, 8:30am - 3:30pm

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