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Klara Brogli

On Monday 30 October, Klara Brogli, Aurovilian resident of Surya Nivas, left her body in her native country, Switzerland. She was 81. Due to a medical intervention which substantially reduced the quality of her existence, Klara chose for termination of her life for which In Switzerland officially recognised assistance can be found. [She had indicated to a friend that this could be shared with her Auroville family.]
Klara had been coming to Auroville since 2001 and joined in 2004 for good. She started volunteering with office work at the then Development Group and worked for years in the SEWA team where her care and support for the financially underprivileged became evident. She was an open and curious woman, always ready to reach out and give a hand. With her background in investment banking and as a lawyer by profession, she displayed clear insight in Auroville’s faring and was keen in choosing her projects. The Auroville Puncture Service was one of them, and she became its executive in due time.
Always eager to embrace new technology, Klara also had the courage to build the second steel framed house in Auroville in which she lived the last 20 years, expressing her elegant and highly aesthetic sense in finely detailed elements of house and garden.
Klara was deeply interested in Auroville’s experimental organisation and collective processes. She cherished the Charter of Auroville, and had an enormous trust in Auroville’s succeeding. Recent developments have shocked her to the core.
Friends will miss this fine-styled person with her free spirit henna-red hair, her strong will and independent stance, her sharp observations, and often dry humour and wit.
May you be in peace, dear Klara.
Add your recollections
If you would feel like, you can send us your recollections or photographs, so they can be added to the page in order to commemorate years of dedication to Auroville and its ideals.
This page has been published in order to create a space of remembrance for all of those who lived, struggled and enjoyed in Auroville, making a conscious effort to manifest the Dream of Human Unity that is in the process of emerging.
Christian Edet
Sri Mahalingam Sangukrishna
Eva Mikulski
Ellen of Arati
Cristof Alward-Pitoëff
Ulf Meuller
Gerard Arnaud
Maurice Monier
Anna Oijevaar
Mali of Utility (Rafael Vázquez Corona)
Deborah Lawlor
Bernd of Hermitage
Jules Arindam
Volkher Eike Riech
Patha of Fraternity
Gowri of Service Farm
Mallika of Kalpana
David Nagel
Sumitra Manou
Jürgen Klein
Hasi Grandcolas
Leo Michael Boseman
Audrey Langworthy Wallace-Taylor
Dr. MS Swaminathan
Pashi Kapur
Tara Nayak
Lucas Posada
Mani Jayraman
Giorgio Luciani
Selvam Nadesan