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J. Jayaraman, Jairam for those who knew him, joined Auroville at a very young age in 1970. He was born in Alankuppam (1959) and his childhood in the village had been a difficult one. He had ended up staying with his grandmother in Kottakarai, who was also hardly able to look after him. As soon as he heard that Auroville was coming, he applied to join. With Varadharajan as an intermediary, he was accepted by The Mother and began living with Daniel (an American pioneer Aurovilian) on his farm in Kottakarai.
All he aspired to do in Auroville was being of service. Very early on he worked with Paul Vincent as a tractor driver, ploughing some newly acquired fields which later became Djaima, and started Volunteering at Matrimandir with Ruud (another pioneer Aurovilian), and also as a tractor driver, and in MM construction work. Later one could find him at the entrance to the Chamber and served under the guidance of Arjun Puri and John H.
While he worked at Matrimandir he stayed at the Matrimandir Camp for many years, then later moved to Shanthi Community.
He got married to Boomadevi and had a daughter, Vijaya and a son, Viji (Vijaykumar).
Unfortunately, he lost both his legs due to gangrene, and his only sadness was that his body would not allow him any longer to be of full service to Auroville. But he did not give up, even though he had to go through multiple operations due to health issues.
Many people driving or cycling past the Matrimandir during the past few years would have seen Jayaraman sitting on his wheelchair on the side of the road close to the Matrimandir gate near the big Peepul tree. He would lovingly greet passers-by and chat with them, and also guide guests who wanted to go to the Matrimandir or were looking for other locations in Auroville. He did this service for a long time, till very recently when, due to a head injury caused by a fall, he passed away on Friday 11th October, 2024, aged 65, at his residence. The funeral took place at the Auroville Cremation Ground the next day, Saturday 12th October.
(Written by Annemarie, with input from D. Vijaya)
Add your recollections
If you would feel like, you can send us your recollections or photographs, so they can be added to the page in order to commemorate years of dedication to Auroville and its ideals.
This page has been published in order to create a space of remembrance for all of those who lived, struggled and enjoyed in Auroville, making a conscious effort to manifest the Dream of Human Unity that is in the process of emerging.
Tatiana Tolochkova
Martin Zbinden
Agia Ram Lamba
Yuval (Govert Jan van den Eijk)
Danielle de Diesbach
Bhabani Prosad Lahori
Victor (Victor Plotnikov)
Franca Crocetti
Bindu Mohanty
Maggie Lidchi-Grassi
Sylvia Zimmerman
Subramaniam M.
Eveline Preibsch
Tia Pleiman
Marry (Marretje Kroon)
Jean-Luc Buro
Shakuntala Patel
John Mandeen (passing)
Kratu (passing)
Josette Tardivel
Aswathanam Chandrasekar
Vaishali Jain
Christel Quévreux
Lorraine Freeman