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Indigo Spirit - Towards a Child-friendly Planet
by Marti
"A Guide for the Indigo Child in Each One of Us"
Indigo Spirit is written for Indigos everywhere, and for whatever trace of "Indigo" beats in our blood, touches our hearts and delineates our own personal song lines and our collective human experience.
It especially honors children everywhere who not only have the right to perserve and develop their Indigo spirits for their own personal fulfillment, but will also be key players in re-establishing planetary harmony and contributing to our accelerated evolutionary awareness.
This book formulates a philosophy of living to respond more creatively to the Indigo spirit in both children and adults and to acknowledge all of our struggles to integrate and accomplish our life missions. It is based on a series of interviews and observations with educators, therapists, children, and their parents.
Published by: Auroville Press, 2003
Format: Softcover
Language: English
Pages: 130
Format: Softcover
Language: English
Pages: 130
Joan of Arc
Svapnavasavadattam, or Dream-reality of Vasavadatta
The Crucifixion
Arguments for the Existence of God
Introduction to Integral Education
Catherine the Great
The Siege of Troy
Alexander the Great
Building with Blocks at the Auroville Kindergarten
Awareness Through the Body
The Good Teacher and the Good Pupil
Sri Krishna - In Brindavan
Gods and the World
Sri Rama - The Beloved and Victorious Hero
Danton and the French Revolution
The Aim of Life
Parvati's Tapasya
Taittiriya Upanishad
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body
Bullock Cart Wheel
Little by Little - The Evolution of Schooling in Auroville 1966-1980 Part 1
Happiness Tastes Like Curry - My Indian Kitchen Efrat Devir
Glimpses of Wonder: Children in Auroville Creating Worlds on Sand
Homer and the Iliad, Sri Aurobindo and Ilion
Uniting Men - Jean Monnet
Looking at Children's Paintings in a New Light
Leonardo Da Vinci
Nala and Damayanti