Emergency Numbers and Services

Memorize Key Numbers

Emergency numbers and services are crucial for getting help in critical situations. They connect you to trained professionals who can assist you during medical emergencies, security threats, or fires. Here's a breakdown of their importance

Auroville Ambulance

Ambulance: 94422-24680

Santé Crown Road: (0413) 2622803 

Auroville Health Centre: 2622 018 / 123 / 011

Pondicherry area 

  • General Hospital: 2336050 
  • PIMS hospital : 2656271/72 
  • JIPMER hospital: 2278380 / 2272389 
  • Nallam Clinic: 2338100 
  • Aravind Eyes hospital: 2619100 / 2619104 


  • Apollo hospital: 28293333 / 28290200 
  • Sri Ramachandra hospital: 24768403
Auroville Security & Emergency Services (ASES)

Emergency: 9443090107 

Email: ases@auroville.org.in

Office Phone: 04132623400

Guards & Entrances: The same number, 9443090107, can be used to reach the security guards at various entrances.

Auroville Police Station-0413 2677318 Kottakuppam Police Station-0413 2236148

Vanur Fire Station-0413 2677368

Important Numbers


Health Center-0413 3509942 & 3509943

Santé-0413 2622803


Mental health 24/7 support:

Vandrevala Foundation +91 9999666555

India Emergency Response Service (24/7): 108

Fire Stations

• Vanur Fire Department: 0413 2677368

• Kalapet: 0413 2655873

• D. Nagar (near JIPMER): 0413 2272913

• Sedarapet: 0413 2678101

Bee stings

A few stings are normally harmless to an adult, but anyone suffering multiple stings from a ‘rock bee’ attack should consult a doctor or homeopath. Best advice in event of an attack is either to escape at speed, or to remain as still as possible, ideally with hands or clothing covering the face. 

Dog bites

In the event of any bite, however superficial, contact a doctor as quickly as possible (latest within 24 hours) in case anti-rabies injections are required. For more details click here.

Scorpion sting

Very painful, but no species deadly to normal/healthy adults exist in the area. A sting to a child may be more serious, depending on age/size, so medical advice should be taken; likewise if an adult starts showing any allergic reaction. Use Lexin if available, or seek homeopathic relief.

Snake bite

In the event of a bite from a known venomous snake, go straight to the General Hospital, Ph. 0413-2336050 in Puducherry or Jipmer Hospital, Ph. 0413-2372381, where anti-snake bite serum is available.

Snake catchers in Auroville

  • Prabhu Rescue Ph. 9786521655
  • Shanti Ph. 9843510305

For more details click here.

Women's Safety Task Force

 Ph. 9442357690

Child Protection Service (Suriya)

 Ph. 0413 - 2622602