Dr Ervin Laszlo's Message For Auroville

"Auroville, a unique experiment in international and intercultural coexistence, is one of the most hopeful indications of the practical realization of the human potential the entire world community will soon require to ensure a truly sustainable and humane future. Auroville deserves worldwide recognition as a pioneer of planetary cooperation, harmony, and understanding.
[Excerpt from his speech]
On the occasion of Auroville's 28th anniversary, I am pleased and honoured to share in the celebrations, and to add my voice to those who wish to uphold the city of Auroville as a shining example of community building with solidarity with humans, empathy with living nature, and care for the physical environment."
Mrs. Hanna Strong, President of the Manitou Foundation, USA, and a (new) Member of the Second International Advisory Council, wrote in her message on the occasion of Auroville's 28th Anniversary on 28th February 1996:
"To me, Auroville represents a glimmer of hope in a world that has gone astray, a world that has taken the wrong path, the path of selfish materialism, of environmental destruction. Auroville is an opportunity to do it right: to bring about solutions for an enlightened and sustainable world.
Today one of my primary concerns is that our planet is seriously endangered due to our environmental crisis and our lack of respect for the natural laws and the sacred aspects of nature. One of the interesting aspects of the Auroville experiment is that the community has done exemplary work in reforestation, appropriate technology, renewable energy, environmental education, low-cost environmental housing, traditional medicine, seed banks, and training programs in sustainable and appropriate agriculture. Knowledge and research from Auroville is shared with people from India and the world.
Auroville is one of those special places on earth where people are trying to return to a spiritual basis of life and to provide a model for appropriate planetary consciousness."