Auroville Today

Auroville's Monthly News Magazine

A monthly English language publication which provides in-depth information on all aspects of Auroville’s growth and development. The magazine is sent to people in India and abroad on a subscription basis. 


Auroville Today produces a monthly English language publication which provides in-depth information on all aspects of Auroville’s growth and development. The magazine is sent to people in India and abroad on a subscription basis. Subscriptions can be requested through the website or through the Auroville International Centres in Germany, The Netherlands, UK and USA. The magazine is also available for purchase at PT Purchasing Service and the Visitors Centre in Auroville.

We rely on the support of our readers to sustain our commitment to quality journalism. Your contributions not only enable us to continue our mission of delivering insightful, in-depth reporting but also affirm the significance of independent media in fostering informed discourse.

Subscriptions can be ordered and paid for online or through the , Auroville International Centres in Germany, The Netherlands, UK and the USA. The magazine is also available for purchase at PT Purchasing Service and the Visitors Centre in Auroville, and the Auroville Boutique in Pondicherry.

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