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Audrey Langworthy Wallace-Taylor

Audrey Langworthy Wallace-Taylor, one of Auroville’s major artists, left her body on 18 August during a family visit in USA. She had just become 90. From the moment she joined us in 2006, Audrey was an active, generous Aurovilian who persistently endeavoured to bring Art in Auroville to the forefront by her classes and exhibitions. For one of her exhibitions, click here:
Her son wrote, on 19 August:
Hello friends of Audrey,
Audrey, who has been visiting in the U.S., found out she had pancreatic cancer on the eve of her intended return to Auroville. She had no real symptoms except sleeping a great deal - 12-16 hours a day, sometimes more. She got very good care from a hospice organization here in Portland, Oregon, where I (her son) live. She, my wife Megan and I had a pretty joyful time. Audrey painted and drew when she could, when she was inspired. Her visit to the U.S. had started at her daughter Barbara's place in Port Townsend, Washington, which was a joyful reunion, full of laughter. She also had visits from her grandchildren during her time here.
Day before yesterday she had a fall in the middle of the night. She never really recovered. Barbara came quickly, and we were all with her when she died - which she did with the same grace with which she lived - yesterday morning. She was in no pain at the end, and seemed to be in meditation when she passed.
All along and through everything she had every intention of returning to her beloved Auroville -- her home -- and planned again and again to do that with Barbara, but it was not meant to be.
Please know that her heart was with you all.
With love, Peter
On Sunday August 20th, Auroville friends gathered under the Matrimandir Banyan tree in honour of this remarkable artist and person.
Add your recollections
If you would feel like, you can send us your recollections or photographs, so they can be added to the page in order to commemorate years of dedication to Auroville and its ideals.
This page has been published in order to create a space of remembrance for all of those who lived, struggled and enjoyed in Auroville, making a conscious effort to manifest the Dream of Human Unity that is in the process of emerging.
Christian Edet
Sri Mahalingam Sangukrishna
Eva Mikulski
Ellen of Arati
Cristof Alward-Pitoëff
Ulf Meuller
Gerard Arnaud
Maurice Monier
Anna Oijevaar
Mali of Utility (Rafael Vázquez Corona)
Deborah Lawlor
Bernd of Hermitage
Jules Arindam
Volkher Eike Riech
Patha of Fraternity
Gowri of Service Farm
Mallika of Kalpana
David Nagel
Sumitra Manou
Jürgen Klein
Hasi Grandcolas
Leo Michael Boseman
Dr. MS Swaminathan
Klara Brogli
Pashi Kapur
Tara Nayak
Lucas Posada
Mani Jayraman
Giorgio Luciani
Selvam Nadesan