Working Committee

Power of Collective Aspiration 

Auroville’s 7-member Working Committee (WCom) is the official body responsible under the Auroville Foundation Act for assisting the Residents Assembly and liaising with the Governing Board of the Auroville Foundation. It also functions as the official representative of the Residents Assembly to local officials, the Government of India, and other outside bodies.


The mandate of the Working Committee is to assist the Residents Assembly in discharging its functions under the Auroville Foundation Act as follows:

  • Represent the Residents Assembly in interactions with the Governing Board, International Advisory Council, and the Secretary of the Auroville Foundation (in collaboration with relevant working groups)
  • Submit regular activity reports to the Residents Assembly
  • Maintain public relations with state and central Government at all levels
  • Oversee VIP reception
  • Recommend visas, in collaboration with Residents Service
  • Recommend land purchases, in collaboration with LEM
  • Coordinate relations between Auroville and local villages, in collaboration with all panchayats and village leaders and relevant working groups
  • Recommend appointment of executives & trustees, in collaboration with FAMC
  • Recommend constitution of new units and trusts, in collaboration with FAMC
  • Finalize accounts and signing of Balance Sheets of AVF, in collaboration with Accounts Coordination Group and FAMC
  • Supervise Income Tax Exemptions for Auroville in collaboration with FAMC
  • Facilitate Police Liaison, in collaboration with STF
  • Finalize Annual Reports, in collaboration with all Working Groups
  • Prepare meetings of the Governing Board and International Advisory Council, in collaboration with Residents Assembly
  • Notify the Secretary of the Auroville Foundation of major decisions and policies of the Residents Assembly.

As approved by the Residents Assembly Meeting of December 20, 2004

From the Auroville Foundation Act

The Working Committee of Residents Assembly

20. (1) There shall be a Working Committee of the Residents Assembly which shall assist the Residents Assembly or, as the case may be, the Governing Board, in discharging its duties under this Act.

(2) The Working Committee shall consist of not more than seven members to be chosen by the Residents Assembly from among themselves.

(3) The manner of choosing the members of the Working Committee and their term of office shall be such as may be decided by the Residents' Assembly.

(4) The Working Committee may, with the approval of the Governing Board, create or constitute other organizations, trusts, societies or associations relatable to Auroville if the Working Committee is satisfied that such organizations, trusts, societies or associations have -

(a) their headquarters at Auroville;

(b) declared that in all matters relating to Auroville they shall act in conformity with the decisions of the Governing Board and that their main objective is to promote the ideals laid down in the Charter of Auroville proclaimed by the 'Mother' on the 28th day of February 1968.

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