Last updated: 12 Aug, 2014

Natural gentle birth

Assisting a woman to conceive and give birth is not just a job but a labor of love.

Birth is a blue print for the rest of the life, if we invest in a peaceful gentle birth, we invest in the future life that lies ahead of this person. If a birth is full of trauma the person needs to work on removing the obstacles during his whole life. The Art of Midwifery is to guide by being still, pure presence, observing and guiding through the Heart, with as less as possible medical interventions; to support women in their authentic feminine power and to reconnect to their own strength and authenticity. 

Every woman deserves to give birth in a place where she feels safe, comfortable and supported. Midwifery is guiding with insight and knowledge, by guiding through the Heart. Birthing is a natural powerful process and we have to learn to trust and let go of fears. Birth does not have to mean suffering. Birth can be gentle and peaceful, by fully surrendering, breathing through the process and accepting the process. Birth is a very intense moment in Life. It's essential to have Faith and trust Nature.
The secret of Birth is letting go, accepting the situation as it is and fully surrendering, simply breathing through the process, without any thought. Surrender…

The Art of Midwifery is to guide by being still, pure presence, observing and guiding through the Heart, with as less as possible medical interventions; to support women in their authentic feminine power and to reconnect to their own strength and authenticity.


We can reconnect to the natural power of our feminine strength by reconnecting to the female body and our authenticity.

Manuela Schliessner

Manuela Schliessner (1971) grew up in The Netherlands in Maastricht. Studied first at the Academy of modern Arts in Maastricht painting and sculpting. Existence is a fact living is an Art. She received her Bachelors degree in 2002, in Midwifery at the Academy of Midwifery in Maastricht and worked during 10 years where she guided about more then 1100 babies in their proces to be born from all over the world. Her winding path has taken her through 21 years of training as in art and midwifery, spirituality and philosofy, psychology, hypnotherapy, homeopathy, studies and meetings with great souls and teachers into her present state of wonder, expansion and continuous learning. She is a world citizen presently based in Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India. Her challenging path continued its winding way. Her path through life has been as diverse as life itself.

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